Sánchez Cerén reiterated his support for Daniel Ortega at the Sao Paulo Forum


By elsalvador.com

July 17, 2018- 12:38

As part of the celebration of the XXIV Sao Paulo Forum in Cuba, several Latin American governments took advantage of the fact that it was the first day of the event. event to decide on the situation that runs through the country of Central America of Nicaragua.

In particular, 13 countries (Argentina, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) noted such events. as "serious and repeated acts of violence that caused the loss of 300 lives as well as hundreds of injuries."

This group of countries endorsed a special declaration on the situation in Nicaragua. However, the Salvadoran government has refrained from signing the resolution. In fact, Salvadoran President Salvador Sánchez Cerén openly expressed his support for the government of Daniel Ortega

Read also: Sánchez Cerén goes to Cuba to attend the Forum of Sao Paulo

El #ForoDeSaoPaulo will continue to consolidate as an indispensable instrument bequeathed by Fidel and Lula, which will allow us to regroup our forces and reaffirm our democratic and revolutionary ideals. pic.twitter.com/F3PNYV0dXm

– Salvador Sánchez (@sanchezceren) July 17, 2018

"We support the decision of the President (Daniel) Ortega to maintain a dialogue respectful with the opposition, "he said in his presentation. He also noted that "there are destabilizing processes to overthrow a legitimate government in Nicaragua".

Regarding the role of left-wing governments, Sánchez Cerén said: "With our unity and especially in close union with the people and its organizations, We will defeat attempts to repel history and progress made in the tough days of struggle. "

" The Sao Paulo Forum is a mechanism for dialogue and political agreement among more than one hundred parties and organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. in 1990 after the collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and when the region was facing severe consequences of severe neoliberal policies, "according to a press release from Casa Presidencial.

Impeccable special statement from 13 countries on the crisis in Nicaragua

Latin America confirms that it will not remain silent before the Ortega bloodbath. pic.twitter.com/D39ZFNkW8z

– José Miguel Vivanco (@JMVivancoHRW) July 16, 2018

In the text of the statement that Sánchez Cerén did not sign, the 13 countries emphasize:

1. Express their concern over the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms and strongly condemn the repeated and serious acts of violence taking place in Nicaragua which led to the unfortunate loss of more than 300 lives in this day. hundreds of wounded; repression and violence against students and members of civil society, as well as the delay in providing urgent medical badistance to the wounded.

2. They demand the immediate cessation of acts of violence, intimidation and threats against Nicaraguan society; and the dismantling of paramilitary groups.

3. They urge the reactivation of the national dialogue in Nicaragua, in a climate of respect for fundamental freedoms, involving all parties in the search for peaceful and lasting solutions to the situation in Nicaragua and the strengthening of democracy. and the rule of law in this country.

4. They support the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference so that it continues its work of researching and promoting solutions to the conflict and respecting the human rights of Nicaraguans.

They thank the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for the visits to Nicaragua to investigate the events and urge the Government of Nicaragua to comply with the 15 recommendations made; and to collaborate with the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI).

6. They call upon the Government of Nicaragua and other social actors to demonstrate their commitment and to participate constructively in peaceful negotiations with concrete results that peacefully address the country's fundamental challenges, including the strengthening of democratic institutions, implementation of the recommendations of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission and the holding of free, fair and timely elections in an environment free from fear, intimidation, threat or violence.


Daniel Ortega
The Savior
Sao Paulo: discussion forum
Salvador Sánchez Cerén

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