Paediatricians ask to take care of overweight boys since pregnancy


Pediatricians Demand to Combat Obesity Since Pregnancy

Overweight threatens the health of Argentine children from birth and even before pregnancy, according to a paper released today by specialists in the Argentine Society of Paediatrics (SAP), in which they expressed their concern about the increase in overweight and obesity among children in the country and stressed the need to prevent overweight and to take measures "from birth" and even during pregnancy.

The figures indicate that in Argentina, 1 in 10 children under the age of 5 is obese, according to the Food and Nutrition Security Outlook recently prepared by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO). "This places us as the country has the second highest rate of overweight in children under five years of Latin America and the Caribbean," says Stella Maris Gil, pediatrician and president of the Argentine Pediatric Society.

Argentine pediatricians place special emphasis on how poor nutrition during pregnancy can predispose to the development of obesity in adulthood. And on the importance of adequate nutrition from the first day of life.

Higher risks
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You must take care of baby children Source: LA NACION

Being overweight at early ages predisposes to obesity in adulthood, warn experts. Children who grow up with excess weight are more likely to be obese than other children their age. "It is considered that 30% of adult obesity begins in childhood, especially in the first 5 years of life and that 70% of adolescent obesity is prolonged in childhood. Life is a particularly vulnerable period, where effective actions of prevention, detection and treatment of obesity at the first level of care acquire a special meaning even for the adult life of our patients. " , says Gil.

say the experts, emphasizes the need to generate interventions "of the same birth to combat them, both nutritionally and in terms of physical activity, especially because it is a chronic disease that is a risk factor for the development of many other diseases, "says the SAP document.

" We must first promote the proper weight control in the enclosure, then the gen healthy habits from early childhood, "notes the text. He adds, "The mother's nutritional and exercise habits during pregnancy influence the baby's long-term health by shaping her metabolism." It has been shown that maternal malnutrition, due excess, causes changes in the organs and metabolism of the baby, which can predispose him to obesity, diabetes and hypertension in adult life. "

" The model of the healthy family prints a footprint of life, exclusive badfeeding up to six months, supplemented In addition, the model of on-demand feeding allows infants to 39 learn in its first months of life to badociate hunger with the beginning of intake and satiety with its goal: thus, infants and young children learn to adapt their diet to their needs, "explains Ángela Nakab , pediatric and adolescent specialist and member

The child's first experiences with food, and especially the parents' eating habits, are of fundamental importance in the habits of nutrition. From 9 months, explain the specialists, it starts with the imitation, the test and the repetition. "Children look at their caregivers, the figures of attachment, and they integrate and take their habits and enrich them with theirs, which is why eating well means offering the best that is available, adequate rations, a variety of flavors and colors and an emotional encounter, "says the SAP report.

Being overweight in children not only compromises their current health status, but also the future, because in adulthood, being overweight increases the risk of suffering from pain and suffering. coronary diseases, cerebrovascular attack (CVA), atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Contributes to the development of lipid disorders, such as the increase of "bad" cholesterol (LDL), the decrease of "good" (HDL) and the increase of triglycerides; increases the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalances that in women can affect fertility, disorders such as osteoarthritis, and the risk of suffering from certain types of cancer, such as l? endometrium, bad, colon, liver and kidneys. But it also increases mortality from all causes and decreases the quality of life.

Norma Piazza, a nutrition pediatrician and secretary of the SAP Nutrition Committee, said that "the obese adult since childhood has increased cardiovascular and metabolic risk and increased risk of premature death." , children who grow up with social discrimination have a lower quality of life. "Adding that" when obesity was only addressed as a medical problem, she failed (in statistical terms) she must therefore be treated in full by the family, with a present and regulatory state and an accompanying industry ". 19659016] subjects in this post

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