They consider that the Minister of Energy has good expectations about the future of CNG


The gas crisis that struck the early days of Mauricio Macri's government seems to have been overcome and with an eye on the fruits of the unconventional field Vaca Muerta, the CNG sector, recover

It turns out that the sharp rise in the price of naphtha pushed many people to use CNG again as an alternative to lowering costs, thus reinforcing a growth trend.

the fuel of the future and that is as well as the Minister of Energy of the Nation, Javier Iguacel told him at the meeting that He had with the presidents of the different Chambers of Dust collectors of the country grouped with CECHA. ] I honestly think that during the speech we had with the Minister of Energy, we saw a change in the root of the vision of the subject who had the previous function Ario (Juan José Aranguren ), which leaves us calm on the development of the automotive gas industry "said the chief of CECA San Juan.

The businesswoman described as " very positive " The words that Iguacel had with respect to GNC, in which he ventured a period of greater growth and recovery , highlighting the Vaca Muerta project that will give Argentina the opportunity to self-supply gas and in the coming months, Resume the export of fluid to Chile

" We must keep in mind that this year there have been hardly any power cuts at gas stations and if we add the increase in conversions that exceeds 70%, There is no doubt that CNG is today more than ever an economical and healthy alternative for the environment "said Salguero.

According to the station, Iguacel did not dare to increase the gas increases at the wellhead and although a rate adjustment was expected in October, he badured them that " the value of one million BTU is at an adequate price. "

Finally the head of San Juan commented that " the minister also spoke of gas as a bet for the transportation market and a strong economic alternative, and that the goal is that its value does not exceed the average of what it costs to super naphtha ".

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