AMIA: the government ratifies its commitment in "the fight against impunity" – 18/07/2018


The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ratified the country's commitment "against impunity" and the search for "truth and justice", on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the country's independence. attack against the headquarters of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA). people and there were hundreds of wounded.

" The Argentine Government reiterates its firm commitment to the fight against impunity and to the search for truth and justice," he said in a statement

" The investigation and clarification of what happened in the attack against the AMIA are a cause shared by all Argentines, which, for this reason, should not give in to the effort to clarify this attack and bring to justice all those responsible "continues the letter

The Holder of the Jewish Mutual Agustín Zbar asked Mauricio Macri to raise the demand for justice at the international level and create in Chancery a special area that follows the cause in an active and targeted way.

In response to the request addressed by the entity to the President of the Nation, the communiqué notes "once again his firm and permanent condemnation of terrorism and violence in all its forms , and ratifies this position in "

" The Argentine government and people are firmly convinced that those who promote terror will not win because we will never yield to justice. Argentina will always work to fight and eradicate the scourge of terrorism and radical extremism within the framework of international law and respect for human rights, "he concludes.

Macri will receive Wednesday Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) Luis Almagro to address the issue of the attack on the Hezbollah AMIA [19659] 002] Almagro will be one of the central figures of the central act today, in the AMIA, which will pay tribute to the 85 deadly victims of the attack perpetrated at 9:53 am on the 18th July 1994.

Claudio Avruj, Secretary of Human Rights, Chief of Staff Marcos Peña and Minister of Social Development, Carolina Stanley, and relatives of the victims will be present at the commemoration.

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