Beware if you get a message to WhatsApp this issue | Technology


A new scam runs the popular instant messenger application WhatsApp and, this time, it's quite easy to snap it.

The operation of the scam is simple. The user receives a message not rebaduring of an unknown number: "Hello, well, your WhatsApp number is registered for a month on two pages of adults." The pages are and www.atcuentrosesporádicos .com "

The message continues to warn the user that many men and women will write to contact him and inform him that he has more than 250 messages programmed with pictures and videos of each one.

Here is the scam. The message indicates that if the user does not want receive these messages, he must call at number 803406127 to unsubscribe.The user who cuts should prepare the wallet because the call costs 1.57 euros per minute

The best in the case where you receive the message is delete it and block the number.

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