Trump clarifies and darkens | 20180719


Yes, no, that Donald Trump embarrbaded by Republicans and Democrats after giving more credit to his pair of Russia Vladimir Putin which his government at The summit held at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki was forced to temper criticism with a kind of self-criticism. He said the misunderstanding was due to a lapse when he did not believe US intelligence investigations into the interference of Russian spies in the 2016 elections. He l & # 39; 39, did so with little emphasis that he did not seem to believe in his own words.

Trump's cordiality with Putin, perched on glory after organizing the World Cup was the reverse of his attacks on Germany, his pressure on the governments Europeans will increase their contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and congratulate resigning British Chancellor Boris Johnson on the visit to Prime Minister Theresa May. Nonsense after another, crowned loas to the head of the instability of Ukraine the permanence to power of the Syrian dictator Bachar al Assad l 39 poisoning of the relationship with the ] United Kingdom and, most importantly, of interference in the US presidential elections.

He had tried a few days before the summit with Putin the special prosecutor Robert Mueller not authorized by Trump under the mantle of a recurrent expression in his lexicon, witch hunt, to emphasize his reproaches against the former Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton the enemy of Putin for pushing sanctions against Russia by the l. annexation of the peninsula of Crimea when she was secretary of state of Barack Obama . Trump is still campaigning, as if he had not won the elections, beyond the favor that he could have received from Putin's government.

Among the Europeans, historical allies of the United States he only raised blisters with their claim for more funds from the defense zone for NATO as before with the Break the arduous agreement with Iran and the release of the climate pact. This time, beyond his bellicose rhetoric, he crossed the line. His kindness with Putin culminated in United States in a key word and a grave: treason. Why should he insinuate with an adversary the values ​​and institutions of his country? He wanted to repair it when he returned to Washington but he did not convince anyone. Perhaps because he was not himself convinced, obsessed with erasing suspicions about his electoral victory.

Suspicions were reinforced with the arrest in 19459004 United States Maria Butina Russian collaborator of Alexander Torshin politician and banker close to Putin. They accuse him of conspiring against the US government. They were also reinforced with the first stage of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia : revealed a list of officials and former officers of United States mostly Democrats , who would like to question. Among them, Michael McFaul Ambbadador to Moscow between 2012 and 2014, during the Obama administration.

Attorney Mueller accused three days before the Trump-Putin conclave of 12 Russian spies for virtual interference in the elections. More than enough reason to scold Putin instead of flattering him. Trump's ambiguous explanations ("when I said I do not see any reason why this should be, I meant I do not see why it should not be"), they still have more obscured the horizon. He wanted to clear it up, but he darkened it. England World Cup headquarters and lives under the suspicion of the poisoning of Russian exespies based in the cradle of Brexit ? In principle, he kept secrets.

These Secrets, According to British Journalist Luke Harding Author of the Book Conspiracy: How Russia Helped Trump Win the Elections Include Contacts of Trump Representatives Before the Elections with Russian officials and businessmen both in 19459004 Russia and 19459004 Ukraine and and shameful scenes. Trump, said Harding, stayed in the same hotel suite Ritz-Carlton of Moscow that the Obama occupied in 2013 "to profane the bed" with prostitutes. "It was known that the hotel was controlled by the Federal Security Service (FSB) with microphones and cameras hidden in every room to record what they wanted," says he, more convinced of Trump's hatred. this trump of his own words.

Jorge Elías

Twitter: @JorgeEliasInter | @Elinterin
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