Consumers are worried about the continued rise in the price of food baskets



While the Indec published the consumer price index for June, which showed a rise of 3.7%, consumer badociations increase in the basic basket, which has already been recorded this month and criticized the government's inaction.

Sandra González, head of the Consumers 'and Users' Defense Association of Argentina (Adecua) said that they "see with concern" the widespread rise, but even more "the major part of the increase that has the basic food basket and does not stop.The measures we are taking in the first half of July are also taking place with increases, "he said.

Héctor Polino, owner of Free Consumers, in communication with Radio Residencias, said, in agreement with González, that during this period, there was a price increase of 1.52 % compared to the same period of the previous year. For González, this is a problem that needs to be solved as quickly as possible because "as they continue to increase, every point of inflation represents more poverty".

Core basket products have seen significant gains so far this year after the sharp devaluation started in early May. In the first half, flour increased by 83%, pasta by 33.3%, polenta by 29.3%, non-alcoholic drinks by 13.5% and milk by 13.1%. Although the most impoverished sectors are those who suffer the most from escalating prices, "the consumption decline is mbadive, the change in habit is mbadive".

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