In one in four houses in Argentina lives a disabled person – 07/19/2018


In at least one in four houses in the country, there is at least a person with some type of difficulty . The data come from the preliminary results of the national study on people with disabilities presented Thursday by the Indec. In the last national survey of 2003/2004, the relationship was one in five . The new report has also shown that 10.2% – or more than 3,500,000 Argentines aged six and over – present a kind of difficulty. And the incidence increases with age, especially in women.

If the situation is average throughout the country, 25.3% of households have at least one person in difficulty . By dividing them by regions, they indicate that Cuyo has the highest percentage (28.7%) whereas in Patagonia it has the lowest (22.1%). In all cases, populations in communities with more than 5,000 inhabitants were taken into account

During the survey, 59% of people over 6 years of age reported experiencing only one difficulty . During this time, 30.5% reported having two or more difficulties . The remaining 10.5% stated that they did not present any difficulty although they nevertheless have a valid disability certificate.

The most common difficulty is the motorboat . However, in the age-specific badysis, it is evident that in children and preadolescents aged 6 and 14 years cases of mental and cognitive difficulties predominate (48.3%) . That is, speech, communication, learning and comprehension problems.

Few who say they have any difficulty have a valid certificate. Six in ten do not have it and 9.5% of those who did, do not use it . Meanwhile, those who said the voucher and use it stated that it primarily serves them to travel free on public transport, for full coverage of drugs and for rehabilitation and rehabilitation benefits. # 39; education.

"Several years ago, Argentina did not have specific data on the prevalence of persons with disabilities, what type, whether acquired or not, their age, bad, the region where they live, among others. This information is fundamental when executing specific state policies, according to each need said Vice President of the Nation Gabriela Michetti, about the presentation of the # 39; s work.

In this same line, Cecilia Rodríguez Gauna, DIRECTOR OF INDEC's population statistics, said that even though there was 2010 census data on the subject, this is not the case. was not quite right. "That's why this study is so important that it adds details that are not measured from the 2003/2004 National Disability Survey."

The reference of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses states that "what is taken into account the study, which was made in a year and was requested by the National Agency for the handicap, is the self-perception of people on their own difficulties . "" By the end of the year here will be the final results in the that we will add the situation of children of 5 years or less, a sensitive segment on which we must take many conceptual and methodological collections, "said Rodríguez Gauna.

For Pablo Molero, coordinator of the Forum for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, "to have data is still significant although the subject is later to see what is done . " "We must act, take measures to concretize to avoid the main barriers they face on a daily basis," said Mr. Molero about certain cultural and material obstacles

"The first difficulty is that Not everyone recognizes people with disabilities as people with full opportunities for participation. Society Remains Still in Discourse. In practice, instead of helping so that it can, many times the one who has difficulties is excluded, there are prejudices and this affects several areas, including the workplace, "said Molero, adding that, moreover, there are serious complications related to 39; access. " Missing ramps to sign language interpreters. There are major gaps in transportation, which means that people with disabilities do not arrive directly at work or at their place of study. In health, there is no rehabilitation network in the public system. The one who has social work is better, but he still faces many obstacles.

Finally, he points out that there are no campaigns to promote and disseminate the disability certificate, although he specifies that many people do not still have not. "Although many do not know their benefits or do not know what they must do to obtain it, there are cases of people with disabilities who choose not to In many cases, they are parents of children having difficulties in "labeling." In other cases, are disabled adults themselves who prefer not to recognize itself like that ", adds Molero

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