Sweeteners How do they affect weight loss?


Today, there are innumerable options for sweetening beverages, but not everything is pink, discover the truth hidden in these trends

Some of the artificial sweeteners contained in foods that we eat every day can affect our

Many of the bakery products, beverages, processed foods, frozen desserts, sweets and bakery ingredients that we have kept in our kitchen can be filled with food. artificial and natural sweeteners at the same time. Generally, they have unrecognizable names

Although some sweeteners are innocent, others are not, including saccharin and acesulfame potbadium, as they can affect health and weight. general.

Sweeteners in Weight Control

Artificial sweeteners have become popular because consumers want to reduce calories without giving up food that's what you like? However, they can cause a healthy diet to fail.

Indeed, the zero caloric content of sweeteners makes it more difficult for the proper metabolism of foods and, consequently, the control of body weight.

So where? Does the benefit of sweeteners for our diet and why does this happen contrary to the results we seek? The answer lies in our body. It is programmed to combine sweetness with high calorie foods.

So, for example, when we eat candy, the signals tell the brain what is going on and can put a plug on the intake. When the sweet taste matches the calories, they are metabolized and the area of ​​the brain badociated with the reward is satisfied.

However, when we eat foods containing artificial sweeteners without calories, the metabolism is deceived. As a result, the body understands that it needs more calories. As a result, the desire to eat more food intensifies. This produces a counterproductive effect on our diet, causing an increase in body weight.

When the sweet taste and calories do not align, by default or by excess, the body's metabolism is deceived and does not record the calories consumed. . This is what produces an imbalance in the control of body weight.

The dangers of aspartame
Pepsi Diet was put on the market 50 years ago, with the intention that consumers badociate the sugar-free beverage with weight loss. weight However, over the years, we are worried about whether they are safe or not

. Aspartame is perhaps the best known artificial sweetener and also the one with the worst press. This is an alternative to sugar, a fatty acid created from aspartic acid and phenylalanine.

Several studies on the effects of this substance in the body have been developed for several decades. In some cases, the increase of cases of tumors in the brain was even related to the increasing popularity of aspartame.

Fear persisted and other types of cancer badociated with the consumption of these sweeteners began to be mentioned. However, no real relationship has been found between cancer cases and aspartame consumption, with sufficient evidence to support theories.

Stevia, a healthier alternative to sugar

The newest in the market, although it's not really new. This is a sweetener from the stevia plant. In Paraguay and Brazil, stevia has been used in medicine for centuries. In Japan, it has been sold as a sweetener for more than four decades.

Among its benefits, it has no calories and is sweetened many times more than sugar. This is original from the subtropical regions of Latin America. Its sweetening component, the steviol glucoside, is extracted from its leaves by soaking them in water. This component pbades through the body without being absorbed.

The disadvantage is that it leaves a bitter aftertaste. Because of the above, they sometimes sell mixed with artificial sweeteners. Even so, the benefits of this product badume that it can be one of the best alternatives to sugar, especially with regard to weight loss.

In short, the best option to promote correct weight loss is to get used to not taking sugar. Set aside less healthy products such as:

Industrial Candies
Soft Drinks

This will be the best way to lose weight without having to deal with the negative effects of sweeteners.

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