What is the data transfer project and why are you interested in Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook and Google? News instantly from LAVOZ.com.ar


The Data Transfer Project (DTP) is a kind of new alliance between technology giants that will allow you to move your content, your contacts and more through applications. Founded by Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft, DTP unveiled Friday its plans to create an open source data portability platform that any online service can join.

Many companies already allow their users to download the personal information that they have about them, however, so far, this is not very useful as it is not not possible to charge and use it easily in another application. In good Creole, if you want to leave a social network, make backup copies elsewhere or bring your digital identity to a new application, today you can not and you must start from scratch.

The DTP tool is not yet ready for use, but the group of these big four on Friday presented an advance of how it will work, according to TechCrunch.

When ready, having an industry standard for data portability could force companies to compete with the utility of the services they offer, instead of being protected by a data blockage that trap users because it is difficult to change service.

This means that it could potentially offer a solution to a big problem that social networks have today. detailed in April: you can not find the contacts of one application in another.

What data could be "portable"

From playlists in music streaming services like Spotify for health data from the application of physical activity, through photos and videos, the DTP could be of great help for applications that have just started. Because the truth is that the biggest players in the industry (only those who founded the DTP) retain a great advantage when it comes to popularizing new features because they instantly interact with existing data. a user instead of starting from scratch.

Even if the beginning of a social network creates a better function of sharing the location, a custom avatar or a payment system, today it can be a lot easier to use Facebook because it's where "they live" "Your profile, your friends and your photos."

If the DTP grows in the # And that its founding partners cooperate in good faith instead of offering a minimum level of participation, this could reduce barriers to experimentation. new applications

Why are giants interested? Given the fact that the world (with Europe in the avant-garde) seems to be oriented towards a greater regulation of this type of platforms that base their wealth on personal data that They cherish under seven keys, this could lessen the pressure because with the argument that users even choose them by being able to take all their data on another platform

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