The dollar worked down at $ 28.27 on average in banks, after five consecutive wheels up


In the wholesale market, the currency fell 17 cents to 27.58 dollars, encouraged by a more favorable external climate and a more balanced domestic market between supply and demand. Similarly, throughout the week, the US dollar rose 30 cents. The total volume negotiated was similar to the previous one: $ 537 million

The foreign exchange market ended the week with a slight downtrend in the wheel on Friday, after five consecutive rise days generated by a more quiet environment externally , in which the international value of the dollar fell. In addition, inside, there was a balance between supply and demand.

In fact, this Friday the total volume traded was very similar to the previous turn, when recording 536.8 million

This downward effect of the currency undoubtedly brought a little calm to the government, after the call for bids Lebac last Tuesday, in which remained unchanged 140 000 million dollars including 60% were integrated into the banks by the new BCRA regulation which increased by two percentage points the amount frozen in the entities.

Thus, from the monetary entity itself, it was estimated that some [$ 609 million] were "cowardly" in the hands of investors. A minimum portion of these pesos was used to dollarize the portfolios on Wednesday, but this was enough to drive up the price of the US dollar due to the increase in demand

Retail Sales to the Dollar in the city of Buenos Aires to a average price from $ 28.32

It should be remembered that the Thursday hit its highest price of the week, when it reached

Citations range from $ 28.20 set by Banco Nación, to $ 28.40 from BBVA Francés and Santander Río and $ 28.50 from Galicia

For its part, in the wholesale segment the quote fell 17 cents to $ 27.58, also accumulates in the week whole The rise of 30 cents.

The usual auction that the BCRA carries out daily for $ 100 million, halfway through a reduced price of [$194597] $ 27.6316 per unit.

"The offer of dollar was accentuated in the latter part of the day causing the exchange rate to fall," badyzes the PR Changes operator, Gustavo Quintana. of a change table said iProfesional that "there is a day easier for the BCRA : the pressure is uncompressed by a global effect and the peso rises today" For the first time in

The weakness of the North American currency was also added, relative to other currencies, since the overall index fell by 0.75%.

" In addition, helped to increase our weight the issue that Thursday, between LELIQ (between the banks) and Lebac se absorbed more than 70 000 million dollars from the financial market, and as he says: & # 39; they have dried up the place of the national currency, "sums the operator Fernando Izzo, of ABC Changes.

eu, in the marginal circuit the sale price is located at $ 28.65.

Meanwhile, on the future Rofex market the price for the end of December fell to $ 32.60.

It should be remembered that for curbing the rise of the dollar in the first four days of the week, the government placed Monday a Treasury Bill in pesos until 2020 ( BOTE 2020 ) for about 45,000 million dollars, continued with the daily auction of 100 million and the official banks went out in this period $ 300 million to calm the city

According to Matías Roig, personal portfolio manager, "We have close to two and a half weeks, three weeks, stability of the exchange rate and despite the very high rates of Lebacs it remains interest in d olariza "The important thing about short, however, is that there is no e disturbance movements 60 or 70 cents for the rise and fall of the dollar, "he added

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