Bariloche: a student who was on a graduating trip is found dead


The hotel where the girl lived

An 18 year old girl who traveled with graduates

appeared dead this morning in a downtown hotel in the city, according to confirmed judicial sources. Apparently, the young woman was epileptic and for this reason, the parents had signed a special document so that she could travel

Prosecutor Guillermo Lista intervened in the case and ordered an autopsy, which was been done this afternoon at the hospital. Zonal According to early versions, the young woman from a school in Buenos Aires conducted the activities in a normal way, like her clbadmates, except on a few occasions when she "got tired."

Last night she reportedly went to one of the local clubs and asked to return to the hotel because he did not feel quite right. A companion took the young woman to the accommodation and after checking that she had fallen asleep – after spending time with her mobile phone – she let her rest around 2:30 . When her friends arrived at the room around 5 am, they discovered that the girl was dead.

The judicial intervention took place to rule out any kind of crime, although there was no kind of evidence. According to unofficial reports, this would have been a sudden death due to pulmonary edema following the illness of the young woman. The toxicological examination would have been negative.

The group of graduates who arrived this week in the city is very shocked by the events. The parents of the girl traveled immediately and are already in Bariloche

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