Canada makes the first cannabis beer in the world – 07/22/2018


After several attempts, a group of scientists from a small laboratory in Ontario developed the perfect combination for the world's first cannabis-based beer . This is a non-alcoholic and gluten-free beverage with a more "dry and less sweet taste" to which we are accustomed.

In June, both Houses of the Canadian Parliament approved the bill that makes Canada the first G7 country by allowing the recreational use of this drug and the second in the world after Uruguay. The consumption and cultivation of marijuana in this North American country will be legal as of October 17

Now, Canadian businessmen are fighting for a place in what they expect to be a millionaire market. They also hope that the food products will be legal and that they will not be able to market different products, ranging from honey brownies.

Provide Brands is the Toronto company behind the origin of cannabis beer. The co-founder, Dooma Wendschuh, told the British Guardian newspaper that the drink "is made from the stem and roots of cannabis plants" . Until now, most beers of this type on the market are made from barley and marijuana oil

Wendschuch moved to Toronto in 2016 to create an alternative to alcohol addiction. He states that "the idea came to think that we could create something different that could fulfill the role of alcohol ."

"I do not think there is another place in the world where we can do this trade.] Canada is already a leader in creating an industry around medical cannabis and we hope that he will continue to lead the trade and industry around adult cannabis in the world, "he said, announced when the legalization of marijuana will take effect" src = "https: // "data-big =" "data-small =" https: // "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

Early doubts were created around the creation of a beer with this new addition. Wendschuch acknowledges that he had at first "tasted like rotten broccoli", but with the help of a chemist, he found the correct formula between "hops, water, yeast and cannabis ", which gave a non-alcoholic and gluten-free beer .

The goal is to obtain a product that, when eaten, equates to a single dose of alcohol . Until now, the products that they experience in the company have averaged 6.5 mg of THC, a beer. The final taste is "dry and less sweet than a typical aroma".

Another of his goals is to build a $ 50 million facility that will become the first cannabis brewery in the world. The company plans to launch a variety of beers using different flavors and varieties of cannabis, mimicking the breweries that produce lagers, stouts and ale . Wendschuh acknowledges that even though she has her own risks, the insurance "will be healthier than a beer with alcohol".

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