
07/23/2018 –
10% of the population in Argentina consumes antidepressants because of anxiety, depression and sadness, according to a report prepared by the United States. Argentine Union of Pharmacists and Biochemists. This represents four million people throughout the country and about 100,000 people in Santiago.
Marcelo Peretta, doctor of pharmacy and biochemistry and general secretary of the Argentine Union of Pharmacists and Biochemists (Safyb), said: "We need to think about psychiatric drugs that we consume mbadively and slightly, whose effects are diffuse and the risks more and more obvious, since suicides are more frequent than we imagine. "
The suicide of the Rocío Gancedo model, seven months ago, was a case that provoked agitation.In this case, there is a suspicion of professional negligence because of the prescription of psychiatric drugs.
report provided by the expert indicates that in 2001, the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry released that 0.34% of users of the drug "paroxetine" had attempted suicide, recommending control and continued observation of all patients treated, detect signs of worsening of the clinical picture and the possibility of unusual behavioral changes.
While some patients improve with the use of antidepressants at low doses and for a short time, in 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that 4% of children and adolescents treated with antidepressants are at risk of having suicida thoughts and behaviors
"Since 2006, all anti-depressant leaflets include the warning that they can produce suicidal thoughts and deeds. In the United States and Brazil, the warning is even in the outer package with a black belt. Antidepressants are among the most prescribed (and self-medicated) psychiatric medications. ) since anxiety and depression are common diseases, very fashionable.In Argentina there are 4 million users, 10% of the population, "expressed Peretta.
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