Sowing of wheat in the central zone and predict a record harvest


The implementation of 1.35 million hectares of wheat was implemented in the central zone, the largest area of ​​the last 16 years, and 75% of the harvest grows in a "very good to excellent.

As stated in his weekly report, the Strategic Guide for Agro (GEA) of the Rosario Stock Exchange, while the technicians pointed out that the rains "guarantee to continue to grow in optimal conditions" .

"The wheat crop continues to give the best news, this week a historic seeding is over.
Without losing much on the road due to problems of excess or lack of water, 1.35 million hectares were completed, For specialists, "wheat leaves out its role of relegated crop, advances and resumes planting levels from 1999 to 2001."

] At that time, the wheat averaged 25 quintals, the potential being almost 20 quintals more, "for this reason, a production of 5.8 million tons is expected", in the central zone, part of Crdoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires.

"The campaign has everything to be a new productive record." [196590] 02] Settlements were better than those of the two previous years, "they say.
Without mud problems, more plants per meter could be established. This is a very important factor for that 75%. 100 of the wheat is in very good to very good conditions. 27% of the boxes enter tillering, 44% follow it at the stage of foliation and the rest emerge ", they said.

They also expressed that" there is no limitation of water. In some areas, about 10 to 15 mm were needed to maintain the rate of growth, beyond which the reserves are sufficient in depth. "

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