Argentina made the first consignment of meat in Japan – 23/07/2018


For the first time in history, a shipment of beef from Argentine Patagonia to Japan left on Monday, following agreements reached by the two countries' agri-food ministers , Luis Miguel Etchevehere and Ken Saito, last May

This is an important economic success story for the country, since Japan is one of the world's leading food importers, with product purchases Agro-industrial more than $ 80 billion in 2017

President Mauricio Macri celebrated the shipment with a message in Japanese posted on Twitter.

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"Good news! Today, the first shipment of Argentine beef to Japan is from Buenos Aires. We are very happy to take this step which strengthens the relationship between our countries, "writes the president in this social network.

This attractive market represents a great opportunity for Argentine exports, given the fact that 39, last year Japanese imports of boneless beef (fresh or chilled and frozen) exceeded $ 3.1 billion.

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Health Entities, Senasa for Argentina and the Embbadies of two countries also participated in the negotiations.The agreement also includes the importation of Japanese beef into our country

"In May, we promised that this month we would start sending Argentine beef to Japan. "This marks a before and after in the trade link between the two nations, we know that our exchanges can be deepened and diversified and we hope to continue to move forward so that our trade link will grow," he added.

The sending of the signature Fridevi, of 200 kilos in this first case is the first step for the entry of Argentine beef from all over the country. According to the announcement, a container with 10 tons of additional meat will be shipped in the coming days, including 13 different cuts that will be tested on the Japanese market.

In addition, several sheepmeat establishments in Patagonia are allowed to export Patagonian lamb to Japan.

To celebrate this important milestone, the Embbady of Argentina in Tokyo will organize an event to promote and launch the beef on August 1, in collaboration with Marubeni, the importing company. The event is part of the growth of the commercial relationship established in recent years between the two countries since the beginning of Mauricio Macri's presidency.

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