The capital flight doubled in the first half: it reached 16 676 million dollars


The capital outflow or what is technically known as "resident external badet training", climbed 117.1% in the first half of the same period. last year, up to $ 16,676 million according to the June balance sheet of the Central Bank. This is the highest cumulative amount for this period since the release of convertibility.

During the month of June, this element recorded a net outflow of $ 3,074 million, a decrease compared to the outflows recorded in May. 33.4%. In the middle of the exchange rate, capital outflows tripled compared to the same month of 2017 (US $ 1.02 billion).

In 2017, capital flight had reached US $ 22,148 million a figure that was only surpbaded in 2008, with an outflow of $ 23,098 million. If the current momentum continues, in a few months a new record will be reached in the annual accumulation of training of residents' external badets.

The BCRA Report states that in June purchases of Resident Bank Notes totaled $ 3,803 million. They were carried out by 1,114,000 customers, with an increase of 30,000 customers compared to what was observed in May. It should be noted that 39% of ticket purchases (approximately $ 1,480 million) were made for amounts up to US $ 10,000 per customer per month,

96% of the number of customers having bought tickets in June, they operated in the lowest stratum. The average purchase per customer was US $ 3,413, down 26% from the previous month.

Meanwhile, monthly sales of customer notes totaled US $ 1,580 million, with sales over US $ 2 million accounting for 37% of the total, three months of consecutive increase of his participation.

BCRA's report indicates that the entity achieved net cash sales of US $ 3,064. million (of which 1,795 million were directly in the National Treasury). To this are added the sales of the National Treasury and other public sector organizations for 502 million US dollars and 64 million US dollars respectively, as well as banks and other foreign exchange entities. for 92 million US dollars. The private sector bought $ 3,722 million.

Meanwhile, according to the monetary entity, the volume of exchange on the foreign exchange market was $ 48,378 million, a level which represented an increase of 20% in terms of [19659002] The report states that "the operations of the current account of the foreign exchange balance were deficit of 387 million dollars" . The non-financial private sector capital and financial account (SPNF) posted net outflows of $ 5,083 million, while "financial sector" operations generated a surplus of $ 377 million. The public sector and the BCRA recorded a surplus of US $ 16 060 million, "mainly explained by the disbursement of the first tranche of the stand-by program agreed with the IMF". As a result, BCRA's international reserves increased by US $ 11,783 million during the month, to close $ 61,881 million.

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