the right to abortion in the last stretch


In May this year, during his deputies' exhibition, the current health minister, Adolfo Rubinstein, finally declared that in 2014, there were "47 thousand hospitalizations" for bad interruptions , which were tracked only in the public sector. Health Official data have admitted, as the women's movement has long denounced, that for twelve consecutive years, it has asked that the legalization of abortion be considered in Congress, because it is fundamentally of a problem of public health and human rights. On this occasion, Rubinstein also said that in countries where this practice is legal, the mortality of women who have been victims of illegal abortions has dropped drastically. Its demonstration in favor of the legalization of the abortion triggered the criticism within Cambiemos

Today, Tuesday, with two other former officials of this portfolio, Ginés González García and Daniel Gollán, Rubinstein will speak in the Senate and will surely provoke further controversy and rejection. This is indicated by the challenge that this time has promoted two Peronist senators who are part of the crusade against this right. With a letter sent to Mario Fiad, the head of the Senate Health Committee, Maria Fiore Viñuales (Pares-Salta) and her colleague Guillermo Snopek (Justicialista-Jujuy), asked "to prevent the intervention as president of the national minister, for the position he holds and for the post he holds. Although the chairman of the Commission, leader of the debate, rejected this request, it is expected that senators aligned with the hierarchy of the Church will insist on their challenge to the hearing which will begin at 14:00

Maneuvers and Laborers

Conspiracy conspiracies and controversial gestures directed at television cameras, such as these, have shifted more to governors, voters, and clergy, than to a deep-rooted vocation of "defense". of life ", are part of the maneuvers That happens and will intensify these days in the Senate, but these are not the only ones. Behind the cameras, as was the case at the time of the deputies, the negotiations also intensify to prevent the progress of the project which already has the average sanction.

With very even numbers, for and against the legalization of abortion. , the negotiations led by Vice President Gabriela Michetti, Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal and Senators Federico Pinedo, Esteban Bullrich and Silvia Elias Perez, will certainly define the strategy that will ultimately be adopted by those seeking to hide the abortion. With the referents of the ruling party at the head of this alliance, which leads the leadership of the Church with the support of the governors and senators of the various opposition parties, this strategy will make its first public demonstration the 1st August, when the three commissions to which the bill is mandated to finally access the site.

Although they will seek total rejection of the bill, the possibility of incorporating changes to the average penalty of deputies, which began to transcend with the news of an opinion that would be promoted by three Senators of Córdoba, also begins to take a more concrete form, although very far from the proposal of the lower house, where the project promoted by the National Campaign for the right to abortion had already undergone changes.

It is not in these hands

An element is envisaged in the offices of these senators and senators in these last days: in case of reci With the modified initiative in the second revision, the MEPs could insist with the version that was approved last June 14, or approve the proposed changes. Therefore, the negotiations that will be taking place these days will surely also affect members of Parliament and, consequently, agreements between the majority parties.

In the debate that will take place on Wednesday, August 1, next to the project has a half-sanction, will also enter into debate one of the projects promoted by the provisional Speaker of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, who proposes to change the bill. Article 88 of the Penal Code, which allows the reduction to the minimum legal age of one year of the sentence for women who, according to her age, education, the quality of the reasons which determined her to act, especially the misery or difficulty of earning the necessary subsistence for her and her family, and the harmful consequences that she would have suffered in fact. "

Another project that incorporates the agenda of this day, also promoted by the senator of Cambiemos, is the one who proposes the creation of a state program of attention and support to pregnant women who do not want to be mothers, "so that they can carry a pregnancy unwanted and give up their child for teen ption. " In the same sense, the father "Pepe" Di Paola, one of the main referents of the so-called "villeros priests", close to Pope Bergoglio as well as various social organizations, has involuntarily manifested there a few days. His statements, which transcended quickly, unfolded as part of the raging offensive in those weeks by the Church hierarchy against women's rights, not to die because of the secrecy of the practice .

approve on August 1, on the basis of these projects, as well as other proposals that may be presented that day, will establish a trend for the vote of senators and senators in the speaker , where only 72 legislators who badume the representation of millions, could decide the fate of women. The legalization of abortion can not remain in these hands. On August 8, to demand that the project be approved without delay, without maneuvers and without changes, it is necessary that millions come out on the streets to reaffirm the claim to no longer die by illegal abortion and immediate separation. of the Church of the State

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