Tension increases after the demolition of Syrian planes by Israeli missiles


The demolition of a Syrian aircraft by Israel has become the last leg of the high tension that exists in southern Syria.

According to information from the Efe news agency, Syrian government forces continued yesterday. offensive in the same area, taking control of 21 towns and villages in the province of Deraa and Al Quneitra.

The Israeli army confirmed that it killed a Syrian fighter in Sukhoi with two missiles that allegedly penetrated two kilometers into the region. the airspace under his control over the Golan Heights, illegally occupied by Tel Aviv since 1967.

Meanwhile, the Syrian official news agency, SANA, noted that the aircraft bombed terrorists in the Yarmuk River basin in Daraa, where Khaled bin Walid's army is present, linked to the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group.

"The Israeli aggression confirms its support for armed terrorist groups and targets one of our military aircraft bombing their (terrorist) groups in the Saida region, just outside the Yarmuk Basin," Said an anonymous military source in SANA

Intense Syrian Air Force Attacks Syrian troops yesterday found a drug warehouse and a makeshift hospital belonging to the "terrorists" while they were tracking down the city ​​of Naba al Sajer, located 16 kilometers from the city of Al Quneitra, near the Israeli-Syrian border.

Yesterday forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Ásad entered the Demilitarized zone for the first time.Spain and Israel, especially in the city of Al Rafid, reported the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.

According to the account of the 39, NGOs, a total of 9,430 people, of which 3,300 fought Nts and 4,800 children and women have been evacuated from the provinces of Deraa and Al Quneitra in six convoys since the beginning of the government offensive in southern Syria on 19 June.

Through so-called "reconciliation agreements," the Damascus authorities have been expelling rebels and their families in several areas in recent months, including East Guta, which was the main stronghold of opposition to outside of Damascus.

According to the report of the Observatory, 130,639 people were evacuated to northern Syria from its southern and central provinces, and from the capital, after accepting these agreements which represent a de facto surrender.


Right now The Israeli government has declared that it "does not want" a military escalation, as said yesterday by its ambbadador at the UN, Danny Danon.

"Israel has warned Syria not to violate the separation of forces agreement 974. Israel will not tolerate any violation of its sovereignty," said the Israeli diplomat.

This ceasefire agreement establishes a demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights between the two technically at war countries.

Also, that Israel has among its priorities to ensure that Iran, ally of Damascus in the civil war, does not establish bases in Syrian territory near its borders .

The Blue Helmets Evacuate Southern Syria

The Evacuation of "White Helmets" to Jordan from Southern Syria was the "Only Alternative" for Volunteers in the Face of Terrorism Damascus offensive and its allies in the southern region, said the group. that we love our country, it breaks our heart to see us forced to leave it, but it was the only alternative for our volunteers trapped because otherwise they would have been arrested or killed by the Syrian regime and its ally Russia ", wrote the group in its official account of the social network Twitter in the last hours.

A total of 98 volunteers and volunteers" white helmets ", a rescue group operating in areas that do not are not controlled by the Syrian government, were evacuated in the early hours of July 22 in Jordan from the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the Six Day War of 1967.

In addition, 324 Families of volunteers, mainly children and women, managed to leave the southern province of Quneitra and arrived in Jordan, in coordination with UNHCR, as confirmed by the relief group.

Civil War s Yria broke out in early 2011. They began with protests against the Al-Assad government and became a civil war with the participation of the majority of international powers, especially Russia on the Syrian side and the United States supporting the groups. # 39; opposition. Ihadisas.

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