Get vaccinated: alert for a case of influenza A in Rosario |


The provincial Ministry of Health confirmed the occurrence of a case of influenza A in Rosario. The patient is a 32-year-old woman who is 21 months pregnant and has received the vaccine, but we do not know why she did not take it.

Soledad Guerrero, of the epidemiology of the province, explained that The patient was admitted to the emergency hospital of Clemente Alvarez (Heca) and was confirmed by a laboratory that & # 39; s 39, she was suffering from H1N1 influenza, influenza A.

The patient, diabetic and possibly asthmatic, was treated at the hospital. health of the city. Guerrero told El Tres journalist Pedro Levy that the vaccination was indicated in the medical file

"We do not know why she was not vaccinated at the time of detection of the disease", he added.

Guerrero said the vaccine can be applied to any trimester of pregnancy and warned that it is a time of year when the virus is circulating.

The professional recalled the risk groups to be vaccinated: children under 6 months, pregnant women, people over 65 and people aged 2 to 64 with heart disease, illness chronic respiratory or immunodeficiency.

"We are at the hour, the vaccine is a public effectors, which is totally free and where you do not even need a medical order," he said. declared.

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