Macri asked to treat the budget for "not being exposed to external volatility" | Policy


President Mauricio Macri today asked to discuss the budget with "responsibility" thinking of all Argentines and to avoid "being exposed to external volatility" and insisted on ending the "70-year budget deficit."

"I hope that in the discussion of the new budget, the responsibility and generosity of all the leadership will come to think of what is appropriate for all Argentines, "said the president in statements made to Radio San Pedro, In addition, the head of state said that" it is timely to strengthen the country and not be as exposed to the external volatility that has come to us from May to here. "

on what is the risk of going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) answered "zero", but clarified that "the dangerous thing is when we Argentines fool us."

"We must stop ga" Similarly, Macri stressed that "every time we are more Argentinian, we realized that the growth possibilities are almost endless if we take this backpack that crushes us there many decades ago. "

In that sense, he complained of having "a state that spends more taxes than we pay, which are very high and which have to go down".

"We must commit ourselves to the state by collaborating in the development of every Argentina and not that it generates a backpack for inflation or the accumulation of debt," he concluded


President Mauricio Macri today made a surprise visit to the city of La Plata where he visited a center for the fight against addictions with the governor Maria Eugenia Vidal Foundation na Platense which works in the prevention, the badistance and the training of the young people and the adults with problems of drug addiction The Vejovis Foundation is located in the streets 15 and 69 of the Meridiano V district of La Plata and carries out various activities for the prevention and training of drug addicts.

This is the second time that the President visits La Plata, since the beginning of the month Macri was in our city by visiting a pizzer ia in the area of ​​25 and 32 frequented by children with Down syndrome, an inclusion symbol. On this occasion, as now, a strong security operation was conducted after the helicopter descent to Estado .nico

President Macri arrived in the provincial capital by helicopter, landed at Club CRISFA, located on 14th Street. between 71 and 72.
The head of state remained in the capital of Buenos Aires from 9:15 to 10:30 and returned to the residence in Olivos to lead a coordination meeting prior to his trip to Johannesburg (South Africa) where he will participate to the presidency. The president of the amateur club, Daniel Dascenzi, confirmed in press releases to local media that after returning from the visit to the addiction center, he did a little tour and "commended the commission" to go through the facilities.

Then he returned to the Quinta de Olivos, to finalize the details of his trip to South Africa, where he will exhibit the BRICS Plus initiative and hold tomorrow meetings with Presidents Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China) and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.The head of state will leave tonight and arrive tomorrow at noon

The BRICS summit will be held in the building of the Palais des Congrès . the Sandton Ions, a place where congresses are usually organized, but which is also permanently visited by tourists.

The plane that will take the president will arrive at OR Tambo International Airport, which was designated for the use of the invited state leaders

At 16:00, he will meet Putin at the majestic Four Seasons Hotel, later officially informed, that he will hold a bilateral meeting with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, at the Hotel Michelangelo. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB._https = true; FB.init ({appId: "621337597889558", xfbml: true, version: "v2.3", channelUrl: // # 39;});}; (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, & # 39; script, & # 39; 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)); [ad_2]
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