Health reported that in San Juan there are 222 patients detected with hepatitis B and C | Cuyo Newspaper


World Hepatitis Day is celebrated on July 28, date which aims to deepen the methods of prevention and treatment of the disease and to approve the recommendations of the WHO as a way to end to this pathology in all the planet.

In San Juan, in order to disseminate the actions carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Province, a press conference was organized on this disease recently integrated into the official calendar. In 2012 the Ministry of Health of the Nation did it and in 2013, San Juan took it under the Provincial HIV Program, with effective specific treatment, in the case of HIV / AIDS. Hepatitis B and with very effective drugs, in Hepatitis C.

Victoria Sain, head of the Provincial Program to Fight AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, explained that in San Juan there is currently 222 patients with hepatitis B and C, 175 of whom are from the latter; has a cure and contains a detailed and very effective drug procedure.

Regarding hepatitis B, with 47 patients in the province, his treatment does not lead to total cure of the disease but it also contains an effective medical process. The head of the provincial AIDS program argued that there is still a significant percentage of people with the disease who do not know it.

For his part, Dr. Ferrari stated that "the pathology is too silent and very chronic, it can be totally unnoticed" and advocated for patients to have their badysis at least once in their life. "It is important that in the case of risky behavior, studies are requested because they are treated as early as possible, it is better".

Hepatitis B, the professional said that "the concept that there is vaccination for any adult should be left and that they should ask." In vaccinations, it is not even necessary to prescribe the doctor, and especially to know that there are three doses and that this type of hepatitis is the main badually transmitted disease. "

Figures of the World

Viral hepatitis B and C are major public health challenges affecting 325 million people worldwide, and are the leading causes of liver cancer. which causes each year 1.34 million deaths.

In the Americas region, the 3.9 million people living with chronic hepatitis B and 7.2 million with chronic hepatitis C have annually caused more than 125,000 deaths from cancer of liver and liver disease (cirrhosis).

Hepatitis B and C are chronic infections that do not manifest symptoms over a long period of time, possibly years or decades At least 60% of liver cancer cases are due to late testing and treatment of viral hepatitis B and C. Poor coverage of tests and treatment is the most important gap for working with the patient to achieve the goals of eli World Minution by 2030.

The theme of World Hepatitis Day 2018 is "Hepatitis, it is time to diagnose, treat and heal". Activities under this theme can help achieve the following global and specific objectives: a) support the expansion of hepatitis prevention, screening, treatment and care services, with particular emphasis on Focus on promoting WHO recommendations for testing and treatment; (b) showcase best practices and promote universal health coverage of hepatitis care services; and (c) improve partnerships and funding in the fight against viral hepatitis.

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