FeMPINRA asks for measures at the AGP


Port Workers who raised the "Carp of Port Dignity" at the entrance to the Port of Buenos Aires, due to the desperate situation in which they find themselves because of the company's action Río de la Plata Terminal (TRP), walked from there to the General Administration of Ports (AGP), in order to personally contact the Auditor Gonzalo Mórtola

Accompanied by members of the National Board of Directors of FeMPINRA Raúl Huerta (Deputy Secretary General), José "Pepe" Giancaspro (Secretary of the Union), Raúl Lizarraga (Secretary of Port Affairs and Inland Waterways), Roberto Coria (Secretary of Finance), Daniel Amarante (Secretary of the Board) Interior), Marcelo Dávila (Undersecretary of Internationals), Fabian Del Rio (Secretary-Archivist) and Luis Rebollo (Press Secretary)

Faced with the impossibility of realizing their main objective, they presided

The summary of the document is as follows:

As you have known for a long time, we have expressed our concern, for the future of the federal port of the nation and your workers We signed three minutes during which the authorities undertook to maintain the sources of work of the various Terminals, with a view to their submission.

Since June 4, 2018, at the beginning of a Preventive Crisis Procedure launched by TERMINALES RIO DE LA PLATA SA (DP WORD), with the specific threat of nearly 160 redundancies, in Due to the withdrawal of two lines from HAMBURG SUD GROUP (MAERKS) to TERMINAL 4 (APM TERMINALS-MAERKS), the situation has become untenable. [19659002] As you have seen, this network of oligopolies began concretely to affect social peace in the port of Buenos Aires.

This federation, the unions that integrate it and its workers, expressed the solidarity of the clbad with the slogan touching all of us.

We will not allow a single dismissal in TRP SA, nor a pseudo crisis procedure that escapes the responsibility of the company. [19659002] Similarly, the situation of TERMINAL 4 SA is paradigmatic, at the limit of its operations with a surplus of overtime, without francs for the workers, who perform their duties under extreme pressure.

We hold him accountable at the terminal and notify the enforcement authority of any accidents or incidents that may occur, particularly in the particular situation in which the federal port is located, which operates in the middle of the construction of "Paseo del Bajo". [19659002] That is why we demand and warn:

1) We will not allow a single return in the port of Buenos Aires.

2) Immediately deactivation of the procedure for the prevention of crises

3) Maintenance of the status quo of the movement of containers until the awarding of tenders.

4) Permanent office with our organizations for the fulfillment of the commitment to bid without dismissal and chapter of the leaf work which guarantees, the sources of work and workers' rights.

5) Monitoring the situation that they live workers in the terminal 4.

6) Preparation of the call documents of offers for the port taking antitrust measures, within the framework of the law 27 442.


There n has more time. The state can not allow only one job to be lost in Argentina, in the current situation.

Guarantee commitments of work stability, use your prerogatives so that companies do not end up removing the port of Buenos Aires or social peace

Start the process of bidding, clear, transparent, with the participation of the unions, with the stability of employment, without monopolies that put the risk of foreign trade As we see in the 2020, it is so close that we should not improvise and not play with social peace, as we have said, an extension of the concessions is imposed, as the makes the national state in other regions.

Source: Maritime Port Federation and Naval Industry of the Argentine Republic.

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