From Tulipán they repudiate the words of Albino: "This caught our attention to make such a dangerous comment"


In dialogue with "I got up crossed" by FM CIELO 103.5 the president of KOPELCO Tulipán, Felipe Kopelowicz condemned: "The condom is the best contraceptive method for

In this regard, on the words of Dr. Abel Albino, he said: "It seemed to us that someone so prestigious made such a dangerous comment, not so much for the present, but for the consequences that he may have. "

Doctor, do not worry, they take care of AIDS and much more. # EducaciónSexual ?

– Tulipán Argentina (@TulipanARG) July 26, 2018

Regarding the importance of prevention, added: "The theme is complex because today young people do not want to use a condom."

In addition, he made parallels with the 40s and 50s in which society was afraid of AIDS: there are deaths, as happened with Freddie Mercury, today the boys do not see this as a problem.They naturalize it with the morning after pill, they take it very light and it's very dangerous. "

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