
CLEAN ENERGY XXI. Argentina encourages the use of biombad to generate clean energy and the production of sugarcane has a high potential for this type of energy. This week, the agreement for the implementation of C.T. Cogeneration Ingenio Loales biombad project, in the city of Leales, Department of Encantada. A report from the Energy Ministry that brings together Energía Limpia XXI points out that bagbade, which is a by-product of the milling of sugar cane, will be used as an input. 2 MW will be added
It should be noted that 8 RenovAr 2 (Phase I) projects have been signed for the supply of renewable electricity, to be built in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Tucumán. All this will total 141,025 MW in electricity generation.
The signatory companies of the province of Buenos Aires were:
• ARREBEEF BEEF ENEGIA S.A. for the C.T. ARREBEEF ENERGY project for biogas, in the city of Pérez Millán, department of Ramallo. The inputs that will be used will be liquid and solid waste from the process of the beef slaughterhouse of ARREBEEF SA They will add 1.5 MW
• BIOMASA ROJAS SA for the project CT Rojas de biomasa, in the city of Rojas. The inputs that will be used will be marlo, corn husks and sorghum. They will add 7 MW.
• VIENTOS LA GENOVEVA S.A.U for the project P.E. Genoveva wind energy, in the city of Bahía Blanca. They will add 86.6 MW
Signatory companies for the province of Córdoba:
• HELIOS ENERGIA LIMPIA SA for the CT Pollos San Mateo biogas project, in the town of Ensanche Coloñia Caroya, Pedañía Cañas, Department of Colon. The inputs that will be used will be: chicken slaughter residues, animal sludge, bovine manure, oils, fruit residues, sludge, animal substrates. They will add: 2.4 MW
• 3C BIOGAS S.A. for the C.T. Cleanergy Gigena I biogas project, in the city of Alcira Gigena. The inputs that will be used will be the effluents from the intensive breeding of pigs. 1 MW will be added
• EMBIO LAS JUNTURAS S.A. for Project C.T. Generation Biombad seals, in the city of Las Junturas. The inputs that will be used will be peanut shells. 0.5 MW will be added
• SOLAR PARK EPEC ARROYO CABRAL S.A.U for the project P.S. Arroyo del Cabral solar energy, in the city of Pichanas. 40 MW will be added.
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