G20 Agriculture Ministers Called to "Strengthen Free Trade"


The meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture of G20 concluded this afternoon, in Buenos Aires, with unanimous commitment of its members to strengthen free trade , transparent and with clear rules at the same time to strengthen mutual collaboration to build a sustainable food future.

After two days of deliberations at the San Martín Palace, the delegations of the forum – which concentrates 60% of world agricultural production and represents 80% of the world's food and agricultural products trade – agreed of a final declaration (which will then be raised for treatment at the G20 summit of the Presidents in November) in which a collaborative approach has been strengthened to ensure future food, agriculture as a focus for addressing the climate change, soil care and the reduction of food waste.

International trade was another axis of the conclave at moments of tension between the United States and China and after Washington and the EU agreed to a cessation reciprocal tariff hostilities . G20 members are committed to free trade. Protectionism is not the way to go "stressed the German Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner, at the press conference that she shared with the host, Luis Etchevehere and Deputy Minister of the Japanese Region, Atsushi Nonaka

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The official stressed the importance of the situation current, with the trade war triggered by North American tariffs and retaliation from China and the EU, it was unanimously agreed (including the US delegation) that [19459004thewayisfreetradeandthereductionofsubsidies

The final photo of all ministers participating in the meeting

Etchevehere reinforced what his German counterpart said: "The commitment is an open, transparent business with clear rules. "

And he noticed the co nsensus reaches absolute way even with what is happening these days. "Beyond the conjuncture, because there will always be controversy, the bargaining tool that is the G20 was strengthened".

"All G20 members are committed to free trade Protectionism is not the solution," said Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner [from Germany] 19659010] Klöckner added that the consensus aims to work in accordance with the rules of World Trade Organization (WTO)

"Without criticism in particular, at the time when there are tariffs it is very important that partners can stand back and understand that free and fair trade is beneficial to all "said the German Minister.

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