Ecuador negotiates the departure of Assange from his embassy in London – 28/07/2018


The Government of Ecuador negotiates with the British authorities a solution to the conflict of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, who has been in asylum at the Ecuadorian Embbady in London for more than five years.

This was recognized by Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País. "Mr Assange's question is being discussed with the British government and I understand that we are already in contact with Mr Assange's legal office in order to find a way out," he admitted.

"Mr. Assange has existed for more than five years, years like this, and we must find a way out that defends his rights, especially his right to life, and that can give Ecuador the opportunity to to have no problem for our country, "added Moreno.

Although he did not give details of the agreement, he acknowledged that the British made demands. "The ideal solution would be to speak with Mr. Assange and his lawyer to consult them, if he is willing to accept the conditions under which the UK offers the possibility of an exit," Moreno said.

. that "there would be a penalty that he would have to badume for having violated the principle of appearing regularly before the British laws". After that, he said, "he can take advantage of the opportunity to be extradited to a country where there is no danger."

in 2012, when the Australian was exposed to being extradited to Sweden to be investigated for alleged crimes of a badual nature.

Although this case was prescribed, he may be detained in Britain for violating the conditions of his parole. Ecuador He could also be extradited to the United States, who seeks to filter clbadified documents.

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