Bitcoin rises and opens up a bullish outlook


After a very quiet first half of the cryptoactive market, July is a hope for those who decided to bet on Bitcoin and the new digital currencies, reaching in the last hours a maximum bimonthly higher than 8 300 US dollars. unit. It turns out that after the bitcoin euphoria of 2017, reaching in December a value of 20,000 US dollars for each Bitcoin, many were disappointed after a sharp price correction, even reaching a minimum of $ 5,800 .

Between Doubt and Trust [19659003] Doubts remain as to the reliability of this new financial badet. In addition, the lack of confidence in such an innovation seems to be the main obstacle to its expansion as a currency and means of payment worldwide.

The price hike is just good news for non-believers, and it's that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC for its acronym in English) badesses the openness of An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) of Cryptoactives, that is a regulated market for the commercialization of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Towards Legality

What does it mean? That new digital currencies open up to a formal legality, a prerequisite for many economic agents to build trust around the new phenomenon, that even with one half-year of forgetfulness does not leave followers, large and small investors, deposit in their


The news must however be taken with calm, because the experts say that the downward trend has not yet been replaced by a bullish trend , considering as key "break the ceiling" of US $ 10,000.

It happens that despite the libertarian qualities thought by its creators, to create a decentralized currency without the banks as intermediaries, the currency is already subject to speculation large investors, who are concentrating more and more Bitcoins and making the market of cryptoactive, a place to achieve profitability like the others.

least, Bitcoin's supporters say that sooner or later it will become the Gold of the 21st century, and they recommend to small investors, not to give up in the face of speculators-induced price volatility, given the power of the Technology It Supports It

The Changes

We must not forget that it is the blockchain technology that gives the new financial badet an incalculable value since it helps develop a way to 39, exchange of information between peers without the need for intermediaries, ie not only to make money transfers safely, but also – potentially – to build new ones ways to use the Internet, which would allow a more efficient administration of the traffic information currently processed.

In other words, a safer Facebook and Instagram could be created where users possess the information they produce, a more efficient free market in which buyers and sellers self-regulate , a Netflix in which users pay directly to content producers and a Spotify with a direct relationship between the artist and the fan, among many other applications.

Some of them are already in development, but of course everything seems very fast and the path is very diffuse

Investing in Bitcoin?

Despite the great auguries and the euphoric propaganda, it is always recommended to be very careful with the investment and be well informed of what is involved in what is invested, since its price is still very volatile compared to other conventional badets.

For now, it can be said that Bitcoin is seeking to break its downward trend, and that it will seek to reach US $ 10,000 in the short term, since the SEC finally decides to qualify an ETF for cryptocurrencies marketing, a question that will undoubtedly give you a strong boost of confidence.

Experts recommend paying attention to marketing volumes in the crypto-active market, currently in the order of 250 billion US dollars, as they consider a key factor to break a downtrend that has suffered a decrease in its badets of almost 500 billion US dollars, until now in 2018, by speculators.

To resume an uptrend, the outlook is really good, there are many who have achieved good returns, it must be remembered that – for example – until July 2017 its price was d & # 39; about $ 2,000, which shows that despite the big corrections, it remains a truly profitable badet.

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