An offender killed a policewoman in Glew


It all started around 3 o'clock this Saturday when a man entered the house where he lived Tamara Ramírez with his partner, also a local police officer, and his 64-year-old father, who is lieutenant 1.

According to reports El Diario Sur listening to noises inside the house, the three tried to reduce the offender. However, the thief stole the officer's gun and shot him. Ramirez was severely injured in the head and died on the spot

The criminal also shot his partner, who was shot in one of his thighs, but was transferred to the # Hospital Lucio Meléndez . and is out of danger. After the attack, the survivor escaped with two prescribed weapons

A 32-gauge chrome revolver was found in the place, which would be that of the delinquent. They also saw bloodstains that would indicate that he was injured. Moments later, Patrol Command staff found a 19-year-old man with a left hand injury at 300 meters

The young man, originally from South Dock City, was transferred pre-emptively at Glew Commissariat 7 . Near the place where he was seen, they found both officers' arms that had been stolen from the bottom of a house.

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