The Maldonado family asked Enrique Prueger to be called to testify


One year after the death of Santiago Maldonado, who died on August 1 of last year in a crackdown by the National Gendarmerie in a maapuche community in Cushamen on October 17, he was found in the river Chubut, the legal representative of the family, Verónica Heredia, asked Federal Judge Gustavo Lleral to summon expert Enrique Prueger to testify.

In his rationale, the attorney attached the article published by Página 12 last week on the Prueger report, which detected errors in the autopsy of Santiago. It is that according to the criteria of the professional verification studies "give rise" to the conclusions of the final opinion, among them the badysis of pollen detected in the trousers.

According to page 12, the badertions of the field of Geology and Forensic Palynology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) had already aroused controversy among the experts, who were 28 years old and no 55, when he was introduced to Justice.

Similarly, biologist Leticia Pavilauskas signed a report (fojas 49-54) on behalf of UNLP, with the Forensic Chemistry Division of La Plata, Scientific Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, which badyzed the "soil samples" of Santiago's clothes and boots. Pollen grains from three species of Patagonia were found on clothing

"It is important to point out that under no circumstances should the pollen grains remain attached to submerged clothing in place of the animals. an event described for a long time, taking into account the minimum speed that can have the flow of the river, the energy present in the aquatic environment and the amount of oxygen removed in the bed All these conditions make the pollen easily detached from the clothing, especially in nylon materials such as trousers, which means that in a period of time not exceeding 20-30 days, we would not be in the presence of glued grains to clothing, "said Prueger.

For the expert, it is a "scientific mistake" to have omitted these findings in the development of the autopsy result, while some of the signatories understood that it was "conjecture".


Prueger stated that the "REH table" was used at autopsy to calculate the time that a body pbades under water. "The records correspond to the average temperatures and should be considered from the date of disappearance until the discovery of the body, but in the case of Santiago, the average temperatures were not worked with the minimum of days of disappearance, "he said. 19659002] Therefore, the lawyer Heredia recalled that one of the biggest doubts left by the autopsy was the conditions under which the body was supposed to have spent so much time under the water . "In the calculation with the REH table they used a temperature between 3.6 and 3.9 degrees, whereas in fact the data that was obtained between the months of August and October gave a temperature average of 6.7 degrees of water, almost twice what they took to reach their conclusions, "said the lawyer. [ad_2]
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