Flor Peña's son criticized the relationship between his mother and his brother with Juanita Tinelli


Since a long time, Juan Otero, the 10-year-old son of Florence Peña, you need all the applause showmatch. He says that he wants to apply to be the fifth jury of Dancing 2018 and at this moment, those who already occupy this place are shaking because it possesses all the necessary characteristics of the contest.

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He is without inhibition, sympathetic and his tongue does not tremble if he has to face you. It is frontal and at the same time, without filter. The truth is that this Wednesday he was invited Los Angeles de la Mañana, despite the lively discussion between Ángel de Brito and the actress, and Nobody was saved, not even his mother!

Flor Peña sent him a nice message, but Juan did not care. Far from getting excited, like the rest of the panelists, He was totally frivolous and made it clear that he "will not stop criticizing". He made it clear that he would not work with her and that he would like to be an actor and conductor.

+ LOOK MORE: Night of fury on the dance jury: Ángel De Brito made Flor Peña cry

But he was not afraid to talk about his older brother, Tomás Otero. When you were asked what does he think about the romance of Toto and Juanita Tinelli, silence invades him for a few seconds. However, he continued and questioned the novel. He defended himself by saying that he had nothing to do with jealousy and criticized his brother's low profile: "If you have a boyfriend with Marcelo Tinelli's daughter, I do not think you're ashamed".

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