Many women choose a handkerchief to carry a message. There is the Greens, in favor of legal abortion. As well celestial, to support "the two lives". They are reached in Orange, by a secular state, and red request a new law on adoption. The history of Argentina has been marked by the "Never Again" of the whites. But there is another handkerchief, which also has a message. The one who, unlike the others, represents a cause that is not chosen.
This message conveys the site, titled # Pañuelos, launched by Macma (Breast Cancer Support Movement), with support from Novartis, and created by the David agency. Research make visible the problems and needs of women with bad cancera disease that adds 21,000 new cases each year to our country, which represents an average of two new cases per hour.
Descent Recipes and criticism of Pietro Sorba.
"The initiative is very positive not to lose sight of the women who live with this disease.Some, the different social struggles are very important and each must have its place, but do not forget the patients who need to the attention and restraint of the different actors involved in cancer management, "said Marta Mattiussi in a statement. President of Macma.
"In addition, seeks to break the stereotype of the cancer patient wearing a headscarf. Currently in the bad cancerand in many other cancers, not everything goes through chemotherapy. Thanks to advances in medicine, we now have different options for each subtype and for each stage of the disease, "added Mattiussi.
In this regard, Victoria Costanzo, Clinical Oncology Physician and Associate Director of the Alexander Fleming Institute Breast Cancer Unit, pointed out that chemotherapy is still needed under certain conditions and at certain stages. However, for many subtypes of the disease, there are medications that work without affecting the entire body. "This is the revolution in oncology treatment, which we call" molecular drugs. "This not only allows a treatment to be more effective, but also at a lower level of toxicity," he said. he declared.
Breast cancer is the most common female tumor and two new cases are diagnosed at this time in our country. It usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 70 and, if detected early, has a high cure rate. By performing the controls, approximately 85% of cases can be detected at an early stage. Hence the importance that women regularly spend mammograms.
With flashy videos and catchy jingles, the Macma Civil Society generally uses viralization to spread its message. In 2016, "Enrique's bads"They learned to do bad self-exams and touched millions of people, even in other countries around the world." The following year, "Everyone loves bads"He replaced the bad with mouths that raised their voices against censorship on social networks.
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