"Unfortunately, we must prevent"


Maximiliano Meza, midfielder Independent, is another of the players who joined the long list of those who repudiated the incidents that occurred during the pre-match revenge between River and Stuffy for the final of the Copa Libertadores, where the microphone that has moved to the team was attacked Xeneize.

With reference to this question, the Management Board Red save what they suffered at the end of the Cup of South America 2017, when they will face Flamengo in the Maracan.

"These events occur very often. The truth is that we could have had a show in Argentine football, a last ace. It was something unbelievable. It has happened a lot of unpleasant things. I remember when we went to the Maracan, we tried to avoid everything. We closed the curtains because we knew it would happen. So we tried to avoid all that. We already foresaw that it would happen, "said the player.

He then added: "I think that the other day, if the same thing happened with Boca, maybe the damage to the players would not have happened, but we must unfortunately prevent that from happening. l & # 39; inside.

On the other hand, Meza He was happy to return to the team after finishing the suspension and being in the match in front of Stuffy of the following Sunday. "We have to complicate Bocaif we play local as we always do, we have a chance to win. We will prepare everything to get the three points, "said Meza.

Video: Ol

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