Colorful lights on the Columbus for the G-20 | The maximum …


The room of the Teatro Colón illuminated with red, with lights and the cupola painted by Raúl Soldi with its colors modified by the lighting. An aesthetic absolutely foreign to an opera. However, the main American theater lends itself well to something like this for the G20 leaders. A video that has filtered through social networks shows the preview of what will be Argentum, the show designed by Ricky Pashkus.

The show will take place tomorrow, before the gala dinner of the heads of state. The idea is to show the different regions of Argentina, in a show that will also be broadcast on public television. Although it does not seem that the authorities have thought that operas do not usually offer this type of shows. Unlike La Scala in Milan or at the Paris Opera, in the years of macrismo, the Colón was open to shows by Valeria Lynch and Cacho Castaña, among others. Now he will have a similar level for G20 leaders.

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