Thanks to the solidarity of a city nurse, two women have seen


The man was working at Centennial Hospital, and he was also a firefighter and storeroom. He died at the beginning of the year, but before he had decided to donate his organs. Two women received their corneas and came back to see.

The latest data published by the Incucai are very encouraging. After the approval of the new Law No. 27,447 – known as the Justina Law – on donation and transplantation, which strengthened the procurement system and streamlined and streamlined processes, Argentina has surpbaded its historic record of organ donors.

So far this year, 632 organ donors have been reached, surpbading the historic mark of 630 donors registered in 2012. Similarly, the number of transplants reached a record with 1,499 operations.

As part of this ongoing sponsorship, the staff of the unique Entre Ríos Implantation and Implant Center (Cucaier) organized the "Conference on Assisted Donation and Transplantation" in front of the interdisciplinary group. Centennial Hospital, member of the Provincial Transplant Network. hospitalaria ", concentrating his thesis on the new normative framework provided by the" Justina Law "and the therapeutic effects on the family of the lost loved one.

Dr. Karina Surt, transplant coordinator and head of Cucaier's medical sector, trained with Dr. Liliana Bustos and psychology professor Nicolás Euler, members of the ablation and transplantation teams, on the "implications of the updating of the law in the daily work ".

The case of Dardo

Earlier this year, Dardo – as a donor, the last name is kept in reserve, according to the law – died. A 55-year-old nurse from Centennial Hospital died.

Among his duties, the man, who was also a firefighter and was working as handed, was responsible for moving the tissues to Incucai or Cucaier during a removal.

Before dying, "Jonis", as said colleagues and friends of the local hospital, chose to be a donor, a decision fully supported by his family. Thanks to this stupid gento, a 36-year-old Buenos Aires and a 51-year-old gualeguaychuense found the vision.

Cucaier professionals lead the "Conference on Hospital Donation and Transplantation"

Justina Law

"The spirit is that every Argentinian is a donor and whoever does not accept this position can manifest it.We encourage the community to know the problem and make a real decision about what they want to do with their body after her death, "said Dr. Karina Surt,

"The information generated by Justina law in society and the health system has facilitated multi-agency operations allowing the removal of more than six organs in public and private institutions." Among Ríos is one of the top five provinces of the country in terms of donations, through a network and the coordination of hospitals participating in these purchasing programs ", said the professional Cucaier.

The centenary has a specific tissue profile and implements its neurocritical patient program in intensive therapy with neurosurgery services avoiding referrals. When evolution is not desired and an encephalic death occurs, one can only be a donor.

"The gift must be therapeutic for whoever receives the organ and also for the family who loses their loved one.This act helps and relieves the duel.The gift gives serenity at this time of suffering and strengthens the legacy of the deceased person who badumes another role in the family because it transcends death, giving life ", Surt values ​​and reaffirms the need to respect" the protection and confidentiality of the donor as a recipient ", because" it is Is a private, intimate and pain-stricken medical act ".

"This law simplifies the logistical and operational steps, the judicial deadlines for accidents or violent deaths, and guarantees the integral care of the patient who will receive the transplant when she will be on the waiting list and after the surgery. ", stressed Surt.

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