by the floods, they evacuated people in fields near Dorrego

<pre><pre>by the floods, they evacuated people in fields near Dorrego

After the floods caused by the rains, police and volunteer firefighters from Monte Hermoso evacuated people living in fields near Dorrego, where it crosses Las Mostazas stream.

The rescuers of Monte Hermoso also took part in the rescue.

The authorities have confirmed that the road 3 is still cut, between the 608 and 640 kilometers.

# Ruta85, Section RN 3 and Colonel Pringles. Circulate with extreme caution for water on the road.

- Vialidad Bs. As. (@VialidadBA) January 26, 2019

Heber Hurst, Volunteer Fire Chief of Monte Hermoso, met with New and explained that the water had risen very fast while the rains were waiting for it: "We are working to solve this problem".

In 2002, access to Monte Hermoso by Highway 78 was cut following a flood during which the water crossed the Great Sauce Bridge, where it limits the portion from Dorrego with that of Monte Hermoso.

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