Video: the exciting moment when a milk delivery man saves the life of a four month old baby – 01/27/2019


Li Gang, A Chinese milk delivery man saved a 4-month-old baby just in time who had almost fallen off the third floor of a building. The exact moment was filmed and quickly turned to social media.

Everything happened when Gang made his daily delivery to a supermarket in Heilongjiang Province. A woman came running, desperately explaining that nail mother was stuck in a window with a baby, about to fall in his attempt to escape a fire.

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Gang did not hesitate for a moment and came immediately to the rescue. Using his delivery truck as a staircase, he climbed onto the balcony of the second floor and two of his colleagues placed themselves on the roof of the building's entrance to cover the largest possible area and reach the smallest.

When the mother, Wang Zhimin, intended to deliver the child to Gang, the blanket with which he was wrapped opened and let the baby fall into the void. However, the heroic man managed to catch him and protect him, while maintaining his balance.

Subsequently, they helped Zhimin to leave the department. The woman told local media that her heart was relieved when she saw her baby in a safe place. In addition, he was grateful to Gang and the rest of the men for putting his life at risk by saving his son.

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