A Venezuelan military attaché in Washington breaks with Nicolás Maduro and recognizes Juan Guaidó as "the only legitimate president"


This Saturday, the South American military attaché in Washington (United States), José Luis Silva, announced his break with President Nicolás Maduro.

The official told Reuters that he no longer recognized Maduro as president of the country but had instead decided to support Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly who proclaimed himself president on January 23 in charge of the Venezuela.

"Today, I am addressing the people of Venezuela and especially my brothers in the country's armed forces to recognize President Juan Guaidó as the only legitimate president," he said in a video. broadcast from his office in the US capital.

Explaining his decision, Silva added that new free and fair elections were needed, adding that dozens of countries considered the current Venezuelan government "illegitimate".

Guaidó, 35, has been proclaimed acting president of the country last Wednesday and has offered to negotiate with Maduro on the condition that he resigns.

The Maduro government does not recognize its authority as head of the National Assembly, which has been declared in contempt of the judicial authorities of that country.

The Venezuelan leader considers Guaidó's self-proclamation a "coup d'etat".


Nicolás Maduro began his second presidential term at the beginning of January after elections that were not attended by much of the opposition because they were considered opaque.

On Saturday, four European countries (Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom) issued an ultimatum to the president to call elections within a period not exceeding eight days.

Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Spain give Maduro an ultimatum of a week to call elections

Otherwise, they said in a statement, they will also recognize Guaidó as president of the country, which the United States, Canada and 11 countries of the so-called Lima group have already done (with the exception of from Mexico).

The United States, Canada and several Latin American countries have ignored Nicolás Maduro as president of Venezuela.

After learning of US support for Guaidó, Maduro decided to sever diplomatic relations with the country and gave American diplomats 72 hours to leave Caracas.

Some have already left the country, official sources said.

According to a statement issued by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, the two countries will seek an agreement in the next 30 days to replace their respective embbadies with offices of interest.



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