"Only being good, we can be happy": López Obrador's position and his "Moral Primer"


The President of Mexico has established in Mocorito, Sinaloa, that "Happiness is not only to accumulate material goods, jewels, the" troca " (truck), nor cheap luxury. True happiness, it is to be good with oneself, to be good with our conscience and to be good with our neighbor, it is true happiness. "

That's why he took the opportunity to reiterate the distribution of the "moral book", in order to reinforce the values in Mexican families.

"Make everyone understand, especially young people, that only by being good can we be happy. And that we can move forward because, on the decision of the people, there will be a government that will provide opportunities for all so that no one is forced to obtain money to carry out illicit activities ", he declared during a public ceremony.

The "Moral Primer" is an essay written by Alfonso Reyes in 1944 At the request of the Secretary of Public Education of the time, Jaime Torres Bodet (writer and politician), who embarked on an intense literacy campaign in post-revolutionary Mexico.

However, the document was published until 1952 with the help of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP). His first and most important lesson is that "The man must educate for good".

Reyes appealed to the qualities of what should be an individual and a virtuous politician: righteousness and honesty, justice and education, love and happiness, and the conviction of creating a better country.

In 1992, Ernesto Zedillo, Secretary of State for Education, had asked to print a million copies, but these had never been distributed. The edition of the Alfonso Reyes test published by the new government of AMLO is proposed as an ethics manual for public and private life, as wanted by Jaime Torres Bodet.

It is composed of 28 pages with 12 chapters and two abstracts.: "Morality and Good", "Body and Soul", "Civilization and Culture", "Moral Respect", "Respect for Our Person", "The Family", "Society", "The Law and the Law" right "", "patria", "human society" and "nature moral value".

López Obrador stressed that one of the reasons for the "decadence" suffered by Mexico is the loss of cultural, moral and spiritual values.

The book that López Obrador distributed to the badistants for his acts is the edited version, which also A six point summary extracting the most important details from the text has been added. "The original text of Don Alfonso has been refined in search of greater simplicity and references to new subjects.None of them are moving away from the intention and from the spirit of the moral manual, "says the document.

However, seniors who had contact with the Moral Abecedary did not read it. "They just gave us Sunday and I kept it in a drawer. I did not have time to read it, Nancy Rodriguez, 68, told Sonia Corona: The country.

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