Yerba companion's historic record in 2018: consumption has increased by 2 million kilos compared to 2017


In the last hours, the Secretary of the Government of Agri-Food presented a report in which it is stated that the consumption of yerba mate was a recordboth in the domestic market and in exports.

According to the data provided by the National Institute of Yerba Mate (INYM), in 2018, sales in the domestic market reached its highest historical level with 261.9 million kilos and exports reached 43 million kilos, out of a total production of 809,022,683 kilograms, recovering the usual production figures after a drop in 2017 due to climatic problems.

From these numbers, Domestic consumption increased by nearly two million kilosand foreign sales rose 38.6% over 2017. "These indicators are the result of the efforts of the entire yerbatera chain, combined with the support of INYM and consumer confidence", expressed from the agri-food portfolio.

With regard to exports, Syria has experienced a significant recovery and remains the main destination of our sales abroad. The Chilean market has also been consolidated as a second destination and demand has increased for markets such as the United States and Europe.

In addition, the Agroindustria report states that "in December 2018, packets of half a kilo accounted for 59% of factory production in the domestic market. Then, with 34.39%, packages of 1 kilo were placed, with 2.12% containers of two kilos and with 1.15% of those of the fourth kilo.

It is also important to note that, according to historical data, the participation of different formats in the output of the factories for the domestic market is maintained with little variation, concentrating the formats of ½ and 1 kilo, 93.39% the same.

"We must thank the rural producers and workers, the dryers, the cooperatives, the industry and the exporters, because each of his role has made the necessary efforts to provide the raw material, finance the activity, take the risks and allowed to obtain a more than positive balance.Thanks also to the consumers who remained faithful and chose our product, our Infusion Nationale ", commented the president of the INYM, Alberto Re.

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