Notebooks of corruption: arrested a former lawyer of the widow Muñoz – 29/01/2019


Following the order of Judge Claudio Bonadio, security forces arrested Miguel Plo, a former defense lawyer for Carolina Pochetti, widow of Daniel Muñoz. The lawyer is under investigation for money laundering in a file related to the cause of the cahiers de la coimas, which tracks purchases and sales of real estate in the United States, amounting to 70 million US dollars. In addition, according to judicial sources, Plo's son-in-law, Federico Zupicich, was also reportedly placed in pre-trial detention.

The new arrests then occur Pochetti will return to the courts of Comodoro Py pending the approval of Judge Bonadio to become an accused collaborator.

The judge investigates a "complex whitening structure"that worked in the United States under the direction of Daniel Muñoz – private secretary of Néstor Kirchner -.

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Plo started in this case as a defense lawyer for Pochetti, but a few weeks later he was imputed prosecutors Carlos Rívolo and Carlos Stornelli for money laundering and money launderers in the United States.

The lawyer, who went from accused to defendant, was arrested after a series of tests conducted in the case, according to judicial sources. Clarinand this led to a warrant arrest against prosecutors Carlos Rívolo and Carlos Stornelli.

In this part of the case, the justice of the peace argues that part of the money from illegal acts perpetrated by the illicit badociation and that, according to the cause of the notebooks of bribes received by Daniel Muñoz, were put into circulation on the market. to appear as a lawful origin.

Carolina Pochetti has been in detention since October and hopes to be accepted as a contributor.

Carolina Pochetti has been in detention since October and hopes to be accepted as a contributor.

Among the people involved in this maneuver, in addition to Carolina Pochetti, Miguel Plo fulfills a role of "consulting for the phase of property detachment and dissolution of companies", said the sources of the cause.

Like the widow of Munoz and twenty others, the lawyer and his son-in-law are accused of having "makes different commercial transactions from what emerges the formation of companies and the purchase of real estate on behalf of them, operations which are not conditioned by their economic capacity ".

In the United States, these money laundering operations began in 2010 and lasted until approximately 2015. In total, 15 companies were created for the acquisition of 17 properties on behalf of third parties belonging to the circle of the former secretary of Néstor Kirchner.

Justice has determined that all these people – through the set of signatures – sought "hide the illicit origin of money " and for that "they would have bought 17 properties on behalf of these companies". Sixteen of these properties are located in Miami and the others in New York. A total of US $ 70 million has been mobilized.

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When did Plo go into operation? When the survey known as Panama Papers became known, they began to lose property. Only at first, they transferred more than 23 million dollars through the intermediary of offshore companies based in the British Virgin Islands.

In the notice to dissolve the companies, they intervened – according to the investigation – Juan Manuel Campillo (former Secretary of the Treasury of Santa Cruz, arrested) and his nephew Gastón Campillo, as well as Miguel Plo and his son-in-law.

They are accused of "taking part in the dissolution of the structure of an armed company in the United States, in the sale of real estate registered on behalf of the companies that have succeeded in 2016 and 2017".

In addition, they were part of theof its production to the accounts of Banco Mercantil del Norte SA, Mexico and Hong Kong, on behalf of Royal Stones Limited ".

Campillo against Plo

Juan Manuel Campillo spoke of Plo's role in overseas operations when he declared as an alleged collaborator: "I have always felt reluctant to think of Dr. Miguel Angel Plo trusting me. Moreover, I think that he even discouraged my participation. I guess this way because of the difficulties I had to see the documentation, to recreate the true idea of ​​what was happening. Always hit the wall and the wall has always been Miguel Ángel Plo. He did not want to give me the participation although he acted as if they had a good relationship with me (…) I felt that he did not like me, I felt reluctance and I said to Bunin (…) Plo was magic. That's what Muñoz marriage says, "he said.

Juan Manuel Campillo, the former Minister of Finance of Santa Cruz who declared himself a collaborator.

Juan Manuel Campillo, the former Minister of Finance of Santa Cruz who declared himself a collaborator.

In another part of his statement, former head K stated that, for Muñoz and Pochetti, "Plo was influential in this court". "It was pointed out that Plo's fees for restructuring maneuvers amounted to several million dollars.I did not hear the exact figure I heard from Carolina Pochetti, she spoke about it at a meeting (…) Miguel Plo was at the head of it all. He was responsible for sawing the ground "he maintained.

When Campillo went to give his opinion on the dissolution of companies in the United States, he said that different law firms had proposed to convert companies, that is, a corporation. simple "handrail". For this, the study has budgeted the work up to $ 350,000 to advise on this restructuring plan.

"At that meeting, we went to see Dr. Plo and his son-in-law, and I thought the advice provided by the North American study was rotten." I said that at the same time and upon our arrival in Argentina, I also referred to the Munoz couple. I suggested they come back from the second trip. They were launched because it was very strange. Plo tried to eliminate me, but eventually I eliminated myself, "he said.


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