They are investigating a homicide on the death of a baby trapped in a well – 01/29/2019


On Sunday 13 January, two-year-old Julen leaves the area to play on the land while his parents, José Ramallo and Victoria García, prepare a paella in the half-built farmhouse of his cousin's boyfriend in Malaga. Spain. It was 13:57. According to the statement to the Civil Guard, the mother is with the baby, but receives a call for employment and leaves the care to his father. There Julen runs and falls a well over 100 meters deep and 25 cm wide which is used to search for water.

The case shocked the world. It was good illegal and after Julen's lifeless discovery last Friday, the plot owner could be charged by homicide by recklessness. The figure corresponds to Article 142 of the Spanish Penal Code. The sentence could be 4 years in prison.

Work to find Julen (Reuters)

Work to find Julen (Reuters)

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The case was opened by the court number 9 of Malaga on January 13th. Now, there is only one axis of investigation: the responsibility of this well drilled without authorization on December 20 and which was also discovered.

The Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Spanish Civil Guard was committed to checking whether the drilling permits had been requested, if they were properly sealed and if the owner of the plot had requested the authorization of recreation and movement of wells. earth that was made there, and that could be the cause of the seal – that the pocero claims to have made with a rock – disappear.

The conclusion, as detailed South newspaperthat was it they had not processed the corresponding authorizations in any of the cases.

Candles and drawings were left near Julen's house on the eve of his search (Reuters)

Candles and drawings were left near Julen's house on the eve of his search (Reuters)

In an investigation for "reckless homicide", published Monday The world"The qualification may vary before any progress in research or in the results of further studies at autopsy, which should be before one month."

It remains to be determined whether this recklessness is serious (punishment of one to four years imprisonment) or slight (three to eighteen months of fine), to which s & # 39; would add liability, which would also go in two ways: parents and the cost of the search operation, which was millionaire.

The death of Julen moved in Spain

After 13 days of an unprecedented operation to rescue him, in which more than 300 people worked in complicated engineering work every centimeter, the miners climbed into the capsule with the baby's body. It is estimated that Julen he died the same day he fell into the well. His fall was "free and fast".

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Jose, his father, told the Spanish media that he had lost his other son in 2017, while Julen was a baby. Oliver died of a heart attack at the age of 3 years.

Despite this tragic antecedent that has been the subject of speculation over the days, even in a viral case of WhatsApp where it was considered that Julen was not in the well, the authorities of Malaga have never followed this hypothesis. The presence of the baby was tested by DNA badysis hair that the robot found in the well and was compared to that of his parents. In addition, there was another witness. The father's cousin, who saw him fall and, as he says, "arms in the air".

This erased doubts about the fact that, with his construction, he had crossed such a narrow perimeter.

He came calling to 112, who also transcended. "A child has fallen into a small hole about 40 centimeters in diameter.A rescue is needed.The mother cries and screams." They did not call the parents or their cousins, who were "under the shock". The call came from the phone of two walkers who came to hear the shouts of the farm. The operation began.

L & # 39; operator

The civil guard verified three methods of excavationMake a second parallel well, drill an open pit on the other side of the mountain and use a higher power system.

The eight members of the Bigrada de Salvamento who participated in the rescue of little Julen at the conference they gave after finding their body (EFE)

The eight members of the Bigrada de Salvamento who participated in the rescue of little Julen at the conference they gave after finding their body (EFE)

The first option, considered the most practical by the experts, was to build a parallel well of the same depth and diameter to "allow entry". But for that, it was also necessary to sound the well in which Julen was, because it was the only way to protect the walls and to avoid landslides. This option is the one that has been done. But there were complications.

Due to a miscalculation, they had to dig the tunnel again to save Julen. Day 9 of the operation was completed.

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The tubes of the jacket could not exceed 40 meters deep. It needed to be expanded. If the rotating head was blocked, it would be impossible to bring it back to the surface and the rescue would have to start from scratch.

"The boreholes have had a small deviation and there is a small problem with the location of the tunnel tubes in which the miners must enter," he explained. L & # 39; vanguard Juan López Escobar, delegate of the official College of Engineers of Minas del Sur, who advised on the site the team in charge of the excavations. Finally, after 24 hours late, the preparation of the capsule began.


The gyroMaster of the Swedish company he found the Chilean miners He mapped the depths and the top of the earth below what we thought was Julen. This was the start for another group of engineers to start designing the descent during the construction of the parallel well.

It was necessary to fill and prepare the ground for the Hunosa Mining Rescue Brigade to descend and dig by hand the last 4 meters almost horizontal to reach Julen. They added the 12-meter tube to the mouth of the tunnel and filled the space around this cylinder to create the access platform.

On Thursday, the first two men of the mine rescue brigade fell. These specialists, considered as an elite body, dug the horizontal gallery from the open window of one of the tubes, to the established depth. Friday at 1:25, they found the body of Julen. After 13 days of anguish and effort, Spain has begun mourning that continues today.


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