Crisis in Venezuela: 5,000 soldiers in Colombia, the phrase of a trump advisor


"I did not discuss this with Secretary Bolton," Shanahan told reporters.

According to the publication The Hill, the Pentagon chief would not have reacted either when he was discussing this option with someone else in the administration of President Donald Trump.

John Bolton detail

In an extension of photographs taken by various media during the press conference of yesterday when the White House announced sanctions against the national oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa), two inscriptions are visible in the notebook Bolton notes: "Afghanistan, welcome peace negotiations with the Taliban and" 5000 soldiers in Colombia ".

Colombia is one of America's leading allies in Latin America, and its government, like Trump's, has recognized the self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó, as Venezuela's legitimate president.


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Consulted by the agency Efe, the White House has not given explanations on this subject.

This Tuesday, the Chancellor of Colombia, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, badured that the United States did not money his government by sending soldiers.

"I will not do futurology, we do not know the reason or the extent of this mention in Colombia, we do not know anything else," said Trujillo.

John Bolton scorer

For this reason, he recalled that the dialogue between the two countries was constant and permanent, so that Colombia would undertake "brainstorming with this great friend of the United States" and would continue to discuss issues of concern. bilateral, continental and global interest.

"I will not anticipate anything, even more on such a sensitive subject, and I simply repeat that there is no knowledge about the reason and the scope of this mention in a notebook." John Bolton during the press conference, "insisted the head of Colombian diplomacy.


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Colombia and Venezuela share a border of 2,219 kilometers, denouncing the presence of paramilitary groups and Colombian guerrillas, as well as common criminals and drug traffickers.


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