Guaidó appointed ambassador to Argentina | Chronic


The self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, already resolved that Elisa Trotta Gamus to be your ambbadador to Argentina, with the firm intention of setting up a regime parallel to that of Nicolás Maduro.

Trotta Gamos has lived in our country since 2011 and is currently the Director of Institutional Development of the Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Buenos Aires.

The diplomat is a lawyer specializing in international law and politics. He holds two master's degrees in Boston related to sustainable development and conflict resolution.
The woman is also the leader of the opposition party Alianza por Venezuela and advises Venezuelans who wish to emigrate to Argentina to escape the economic and political crisis that the country is going through.

His links with Buenos Aires come from his father, Argentinian and emigrated from the Caribbean country in the 70s.

Trotta Gamus thanked the appointment via Twitter: "I am baduming a huge commitment today: representing the government in charge of Venezuela in Argentina, always hand in hand with the organization with which we started everything".

"I have already urged all organizations that were and are in Argentina, working for the freedom of Venezuela, to consolidate the union of our efforts in the same direction", he added.

In addition, the Venezuelan parliament appointed the anti-Chavez leader Julio Borges as a representative in front of the Lima Group, the group of American countries that is more strongly pushing international pressure against the Nicolás Maduro government a year and a half ago – and ratified Carlos Vecchio as a business leader in front of the United States.

The appointment of the latter had already been announced by Guaidó. Vecchio and Borges started a tour of the United States today with meetings with US officials. "democratic transition" in Venezuela.

In Canada, the National Assembly has appointed Orlando Viera-Blanco, holder of the Venezuelan Canada Foundation for Engagement (Foundation for Collaboration between Canadians and Venezuelans) and was one of the first to thank this nomination via Twitter.

"I would like to thank our President, Juan Guaidó Márquez, for his honorable appointment as a diplomatic representative to the Government of Canada, a sensitive mission that I swear to respect the commitment and responsibility demanded by the Government of Canada. history, as well as all my friends: count on me! "he wrote.
In Colombia, one of the main neighbors of the humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is experiencing and mbad exodus of citizens, has been designated Humberto Calderón Berti, Venezuelan oil expert and founding member of the Christian Social Party Copei.

In Chile, he appointed Guarequena Gutiérrez, the current representative of the antichavista party Acción Democrática in Santiago, which is defined as "Venezuelan Exile" in your Twitter account.

In Ecuador he was appointed René De Sola Quintero, member of the executive committee of the Inter-American Federation of Lawyers (FIA) and advisor of the Inter-American Federation of Lawyers, who currently resides in this neighboring country.

In Peru, he was appointed Carlos Scull, a young man who defines himself as part of the Ucevista movement, were known the students of the Central University of Venezuela mobilized against the Chavez government.

Finally, the National Assembly has appointed María Faría in Costa Rica, a Claudio Sandoval in Honduras and a Fabiola Zacarce in Panama.

The appointment of new diplomatic representatives was unanimously approved in regular session:

GentArgentine: Elisa Trota Gamos

Canada: Orlando Viera Blanco.

Chile: Guarequena Gutiérrez.

Colombia: Humberto Calderón Berti.

Costa Rica: Maria Faria.

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido)
January 29, 2019


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