Mauricio Macri is presented with the ambassador of Venezuela appointed by Juan Guaidó


The power crisis in Venezuela had another international chapter on Tuesday. The self-proclaimed President of this country, Juan Guaidó, has appointed diplomatic representatives in various countries, including Argentina. The appointed manager in Buenos Aires, Elisa Trotta Gamus, he was received President Mauricio Macri at Casa Rosada.

Government support for Guaidó decision change is on the same line that most of the countries in which the head of the National Assembly appointed diplomats.

Trotta is 36 years old and has lived in Argentina for 8 years.
Trotta is 36 years old and has lived in Argentina for 8 years.

The ambbadador appointed by Guaidó is Elisa Trotta Gamus, is 36 years old and has been living in Buenos Aires for eight years. "At this moment, we prepare the presentation of the credentials and define, in agreement with Caracas, my responsibilities and functions, Viva Venezuela Libre!", Has he written in his social networks at the time of the confirmation of his post .

The lawyer is president of Alianza por Venezuela, a network of allied organizations that deals with the Venezuelan community in Argentina. As the new diplomat explained, this is an badociation born in 2018 and already helped 5000 people.

The specialist, who was currently working as a political advisor, arrived in Argentina after approving two masters in Boston, thanks to a Fullbright scholarship. Opposition Parliament also named Orlando Viera Blanco, Canada; Guarequena Gutiérrez, Chile; Humberto Calderón Verti, in Colombia; and María Faría, Costa Rica.

Venezuelans in #Argentina: as of today, they have an official and legitimate representative. At this point, the appointed diplomat, Elisa Trotta Gamus, is received by the president. @mauriciomacri.

Govt. from Argentina Thank you for your recognition and your commitment to Venezuela!

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) January 29, 2019


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