The official expressing the hidden desire of Trump in Venezuela


In recent statements to the US media, Bolton pronounced the key word behind the Guaidó operation: PETROLEUM

"The United States will have a big economic difference if we can get our companies to invest and produce oil in Venezuela", badured the US official in an interview with the chain FOX

Bolton's statement was simultaneous with the imposition of sanctions by the United States PDVSA US $ 7 billion, which implies a sharp reduction in the export revenues of the Bolivarian country.

Trump's national security adviser is the same official who had launched this week an international scandal by entering a press conference at the White House with a notebook that he had written. "5000 soldiers in Colombia."

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The sentence has been interpreted as a possible military mobilization for country governed by Iván Duque, Ally in Washington and a fervent critic of the government of Nicolás Maduro.

"The President (for Trump) made it clear that all options are on the table" said Bolton, when asked if an invasion of Venezuela was being badyzed.

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