A sordid protest | The concentration antichavi …


From Caracas

The demonstration or sit-in, as defined in Venezuela, convened by the so-called acting president, Juan Guaidó, was thin and sordid, but mostly circumscribed to the eastern neighborhoods of Caracas, where the most advantaged strata reside. Venezuelan society. Guaidó was seen at the Central University Hospital where he was surrounded by a hundred students and professors of medicine. The intention was to emphasize that in this space would be the so-called humanitarian aid which, according to Guaidó, will be realized "in weeks". Meanwhile, the chavismo has convened next Saturday a major mobilization in the main avenues of downtown Caracas. That day, the opposition will organize another demonstration.

Altamira Square, the zero zone of opposition, has gathered close to a thousand protesters. The vast majority belonged to the privileged clbades of Caracas society. It was noticeable and a lot because among them moved a small group of young people with their worn out clothes and their covered faces. They are the ones that the opposition parties engage to carry out the heavy task of the demonstrations which results in violent protagonism at the time of the fight with the security forces. On this occasion, these violent events did not materialize. According to sources from security agencies, these boys charge between $ 10 and $ 30 depending on the type of event. The maximum sum is intended for protest days that last until night.

Sandra Pedraza, a chartered accountant and management consultant, is in one of the plants in front of one of the big buildings in the area. She claims to participate because "it is our country and it belongs to us" and ensures that the presence of Cubans who, according to her, "exploit and expropriate the country" must end. The woman, who dries the sweat from her forehead with the hard fruits of the midday heat and the high humidity, says that the necessary unity has been achieved around Guaidó, which he defines as "a serious engineer, young and with a nice family".

When asked what should be the way out of the political crisis, he does not hesitate to answer that President Nicolás Maduro "must leave because he is Colombian" and immerse himself in the usual sentences from the opposition: "We are in the hands of criminal gangs and the usurpers." He even claims that Guaidó is already calling for elections although he has not said anything about it, but he wishes nevertheless the National Electoral Council (CNE) calls them quickly. When he is reminded that this CNE is the same as the one that organized and approved the elections in which Guaidó was elected deputy, he says that members must be changed "because 82% of Venezuelans oppose him".

The intervention of the United States, even with a possible military invasion, does not seem to be a problem for the adversaries. Sandra says it's important for the United States to be there because "they are the main market for Venezuelan products."

In the event, there is a slightly higher percentage of women than men and both have the same habit, do not remove the cell phone. They make selfies by the thousands, they adjust their hairstyles and show their best smile. They only lose their temper when someone shouts Maduro's name and everyone responds "bad their mom". They wave flags and wear hats in the colors of the Venezuelan flag.

María González is a young woman of just under 25 years old. Mirrored sunglbades and freshly painted lips. He agrees to talk to PageI12 and, seriously, he says that he is in the protest because "I have enough." He does not name Maduro does not even speak of Chavism, he refers to the members of the government and to those who support them as beings who have no entity. He says that "there is no freedom and we are repressed" and then talk about the lack of food and medicine. He considers that US participation is positive to the extent that it "can save us", but he doubts in answering a possible military intervention of the North country: "I would not like that to happen, because I prefer that he sort peacefully, more legal for them to leave.They may be able to stick to the law of the aristocracy, but they go away from here. "

As for the continuation of the process of replacing the government, he says that he does not know and is limited to repeating what Guaidó says: "Cessation of the usurpation, transitional government and free elections" .

– Will they participate in these free elections? Asked Página / 12.

-Who is it? Replied Gonzalez.

-I am talking about Chavismo.

-No, hope not.

– So it would not be free elections, do not you think?

-Of course, I understand what he tells me. Let them participate, but you have to switch to the CNE as they are bought, "he says and thanks before leaving.

Guaidó participated in the event. He first went to the hospital of the Central University of Venezuela. There, he was surrounded by a small group of students and doctors. They were not older than 60 and the interim wanted to leave quickly because the picture he was looking for was not the most practical. He put on a dress that the students gave him and asked that "we continue to protest and God bless you". He sought not to be concerned about the request of the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, who had asked the highest court to ban the exit of the country and freeze the accounts. "I did not receive any orders, it was a statement from anyone who usurped office in the Office of the Prosecutor and occupied spaces in the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ)."

At the end of the protest period, which ended at 2 pm in Caracas, the concentration was diluted and in a few minutes there was no trace of his presence. Meanwhile, there were no demonstrations in the west of the Venezuelan capital. Life has developed as usual and with the usual Caribbean hustle and bustle in Caracas. On the Plaza de la Candelaria, in the city center of the capital, Anselmo sits on one of the benches. Acuse 75 years and welcome your hat as a greeting. During the opposition demonstration, he declared that he was not even participating and had said something frank: "Let those who eat shit do not count on me", did he said after stating that as long as the economic situation would be bad, prefer Maduro rather the opposition "because he does not like the Guaidó alliance with the United States." gringos want our oil and nothing else, "he said while two of his friends at his side nodded.

Next Saturday, two major events are planned. That of Guaidó and that of Chavismo. The first is to accompany the end of the ultimatum that the European Union has sent to the constitutional president Nicolás Maduro to call for new elections. The government will seek to show its ability to mobilize, which happened this week in various towns in the interior with mbad marches, while reaffirming rejection of foreign interference and repressing the coup attempt. ;State.


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