Exclusively, the president of AMIA: "I dare not say that the memorandum was a pact of impunity with Iran"


The day the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina -AMIA-
asked the delegation of Argentine Jewish badociations – ADIA – to refrain from any legal action against the senator and former president

Cristina Kirchner

for the memorandum with Iran; the president of the


, Agustín Zbar spoke exclusively with

New therapies

, the program

LN +


"The lawsuit that DAIA has brought against Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and others for signing the memorandum is a decision that AMIA has never accompanied," he said, explaining "Whoever has been particularly injured is the one who has the right to complain, we do not consider that the Jewish community has been particularly damaged, but that the whole of Argentina has been damaged."

When asked if he considered that Cristina or the Kirchner government had concluded a treaty of impunity with Iran, he replied: "I dare not say that the memorandum is a pact of impunity with the Iran: There were people who believed that the protocol of agreement with Iran was a way to clarify the cause, I can not attribute to them "bad faith", but it was a decision extremely bad and very damaging for the country. "

However, it does not exclude the existence of a crime, nor does it rule against the

denunciation of the prosecutor Alberto Nisman

or the badumption that there could be a maneuver that would hurt the cause. But he considered: "It is never appropriate to say that something is a crime until a judge determines it."

For this reason, he baderted that "the political reasons for which Argentina has signed the treaty and ratified it by the Congress must be resolved by politics". And he fired: "It belongs to all Argentine society to review this decision of international politics so regrettable for our country".

For him, "the Argentine institutions have the responsibility to progress in this area". And he explained how this case concerns them: "AMIA maintains very complex relations with all the political sectors related to Kirchnerism or justicialism." We do not want to be anywhere in this deep confrontation that exists in Argentina. "

And he fired: "We should not be distracted by this highly political debate, and much more in an election year during which an oral lawsuit against Cristina will begin for this reason, it is not the where we ask justice for the AMIA case "

According to him, when signing the memorandum with Iran, "the AMIA has argued in court and has obtained its unconstitutionality". In addition, he recalled that "the treaty has never ruled well that it was ratified by the Argentine Congress", which, for him, must consider it. "The Iranian parliament has not ratified because the attempt to immediately bring the red alert to persecution to senior officials of the Iranian regime must be brought to justice in Argentina," he said. . because [el tratado] this did not affect the cause. "

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