Bolsonaro, in his first month as president: "Our mission will be fulfilled!"


Right-wing leader Jair Bolsonaro meets on Thursday a month as president of Brazil and stated that his government "is on the right track" and "will fulfill the mission"although he said "there is still much to be done".

The 63-year-old president celebrated his first month at the hospital where he underwent an operation to remove the colostomy bag that he had been stabbed since the September campaign, he pointed out that "many lines of action" had existed since the beginning of the government.

"I continue to recover and work at the hospital, there are many lines of action in this first month of government and there is still much to do, we are on the right track, our mission will be fulfilled, Brazil will occupy the position it deserves in the international context! "said the president via a message posted on Twitter, its main communication tool.

I continue to recover and work in the hospital. São Muitas as sources of funding for the government and for governments. We are not careful. Nossa missão will be filled! Or Brazil will occupy a position that deserves no international connection!

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) January 31, 2019

After his meeting with Mauricio Macri last week, Bolsonaro was challenged by a diplomatic initiation for his rather dull performance at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland). he used only six of the 45 minutes to those who had the right to present their projects to the economic and planetary political elite. And a good part of it was to rule out accusations that deforestation was progressing in the Amazon because of agriculture, a sector that provided decisive electoral support.

Even in this case, the markets continue to support him, because of the guarantee that the very liberal Paulo Guedes represents as Minister of the Economy and Foreign Affairs. The Sao Paulo Stock Exchange broke ten historical records in the first weeks of January.

Bolsonaro faces the challenge of responding to its first environmental catastrophe: the break-up of the Vale flooded mining company's dike mineral waste the village of Brumadinho and left at least 99 dead and 259 missing.

Before being admitted and one day after his return from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Bolsonaro flew over the affected area and announced via his social networks that his government "will do everything in its power" to "seek justice" and "prevent new tragedies" like this one.

Although the accident can not be attributed to the new government, "the discourse that environmental licensing processes should be relaxed"For productive projects," says André César, of the political consulting firm Hold.

Another challenge for ex-servicemen should begin Friday, when a new congress takes office with thirty parties with which it will have to fight to promote its economic reforms.

Bolsonaro promised to govern without negotiating the state's expenses in exchange for political support, a relationship in which were born the serious scandals that undermined the prestige of traditional parties. His political strength, the Social Liberal Party (PSL), will have 55 MPs, out of a total of 513, and 4 of the 81 Senators.

Bolsonaro "he campaigned very strongly against coalition presidentialismpolitical scientist Carlos Pereira, professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro.

For Pereira, relegation to the background could cost him dearly, especially if the charges against Senator Elect Flavio Bolsonaro, his eldest son, are confirmed.

Anti-Money Laundering Agency (COAF) detected "atypical" transactions in your accounts and in one of his former advisers, Flávio Queiroz. The press also noted possible links between his former advisor and the leader of a para-police militia in Rio de Janeiro.

The elected senator denies any irregularity and denounces a campaign of "defamation" that points to his father. But if he does not quickly present convincing arguments, it can lead to an erosion of his political group.

"In the absence of a stable majority coalition, suspicions of corruption [sobre su hijo] They can make the president very vulnerable from the start, "Pereira said in a conversation with the AFP news agency.

"There could be an increase in the cost of negotiations with Congress," says Leandro Gabiati, director of Dominium Associados.

"When a government so impregnated, full of ethics and morality, will suddenly be confronted with problems of corruption, members of Congress will say: (…) You need my vote, but as you are in a position of fragility, you will have that one to pay more, or yield more to what MPs and senators are demanding to approve the government's program, "added.

"This Congress will give you votes [a Bolsonaro] for advance their most conservative social policies"but" the big problem is the economy, "warns Gabiati.

The crucial project is the pension system reform, which investors require as a guarantee of reorganization of the public accounts.

"It's a very difficult reform in all countries, and if the government succeeds, it will have [político] very large. But if that fails, I fear for the continuity of its ability to govern, "said Pereira.


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