They gave him a lot of homework and simulated an abduction so that he did not do it | Chronic


The child is from the Chinese city of Chongqing and became news after he invented the kidnapping at the hands of a man and a woman who put him in a van on his way to school.

"The ten-year-old said that a man and a woman had put him in a van while he was going to school on Jan. 17.", badured the South China Morning Post.

During interrogation by the police, the baby claimed that he had managed to escape his "kidnappers" when they were distracted by their cell phone. Then he ran and hid in the vegetation until they left.

The police did not believe a word of the minor's version and started asking him questions. After a few minutes, he broke down and confessed that it was a lie not to do the homework he had given him at school.

The police continued the investigation and found his backpack in a parking lot. As they suspected, his duties were not over.

The fact was a rage in social networks and has received thousands of comments for and against.


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